Wednesday, May 4, 2011

LP Tuad Cobra Wand II 灵蛇短杖

LP Tuad Cobra Wand 灵蛇短杖 (Wood material, length 17") by LP Kaew of Wat Sapan Maiken, Songkhla. With various hand-drawn Yants on the body, and takrut embedded in the cobra's mouth. Excellent for dispelling black magic and curing strange sickness, can be used to make holy water. The 100 yrs old LP is deeply respected in Southern Thailand and Malaysia for his ability to dispel black magic through Samadhi. Consecrated in 2554 (2011). 2 pieces available. $100 each. SOLD OUT. Thks for support!

To use the wand, chant Namo Tassa (3x), followed by LP Tuad katha (3x). Then think of LP Kaew and use the cobra head to hit the affected person or sick body part repeatedly, chanting "Ta-Sa" with every strike. The same goes for making holy water.

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