Monday, January 2, 2017

Roop Lor Phra Bua Kem 莲帽尊者

Roop Lor Phra Bua Kem (Thong Tip material) from LP Leng of Wat Nong Gae, Sakew. Painted blue color, with Phaya Nak at the base, holy powder and 5 takruts embedded below. Bua Kem is another name for Upakut the Water Buddha. LP Leng is also well known in the province for his wealth and change luck wicha. Excellent for all round Metta, wealth attraction, boost luck, good business and protection from all danger. Most suitable for those who need Metal and Water in their Bazi. Consecrated in 2559 (2016). 2 pieces available. $50 each.
莲帽尊者(黄铜制)- 出自龙婆靓,浓阁寺,沙缴府。此尊油蓝色,基部有龙王,底下塞圣粉和5支符管。莲帽尊者即是“水佛”乌巴固尊者之别名。师父之招财和转运法术在该府也相当有名。能赐予全面人缘、招财、起运、好生意及在一切危险中得 到保护。最适合八字用金水之人。佛历2559(2016)年开光。有2粒。每粒50元

Bua Kem Katha:

Namo Tassa (3x)
Ittha Namuttamo, Thero Upakutto,
Iti Wissuto, So Maha Panna Nupawo,
Sotting Pasung Garo Natano (3x).

**This is the shorter katha for invoking the
wisdom and psychic power of Phra Upakut**

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