Thursday, September 15, 2016

Takrut Mongkon Sap 吉祥财符管

Takrut Mongkon Sap (Copper foil material, 2.5") from PT Jao Saeng, Wat Ban Trang, Pattani. Already placed in steel casing. This is his shorter wealth takrut. PT is an old guru monk of Pattani who is now famous in Southern Thailand and Bkk for his "Pran Boon" mask amulets. It is based on the Jataka tale of the Kinaree Princess Manora and Hunter Pran Boon, which spiritual dance is performed in temples of Southern Thailand and Northern Malaysia during big festivals. Excellent for main and side wealth, good luck, prosperity, good business and protection. Consecrated in 2559 (2016). 5 pieces available. $40 each.
吉祥财符管(铜片制, 2.5寸) - 出自婆叹昭贤,般当寺,北大年府。已装入钢壳。这是他较短的招财符管。婆叹是该府的老师父,他所加持的“潘布恩”面具牌现在红遍整个泰南和曼谷。它是源自受生传里头紧那罗公主马诺拉和猎人潘布恩的故事。这种灵性的传统舞蹈通常在泰南和北马的寺庙节庆里才可以看到。能赐予正财偏财、好运、兴旺、好生意及保护。佛历2559(2016)年开光。有5支。每支40元

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