Thursday, May 5, 2016

Palakit Ling Ching Nang II 猴捉女阳神

Palakit Ling Ching Nang II (Mai Mongkon material, 2") from LP Sing of Wat Ban Pah Tabaeng, Korat. With temple code chopped on both sides. This powerful monkey catch girl palakit has the power to bestow love to those who are not rich, handsome, smooth talking or been heartbroken. Those who are often frustrated will find their problem solved. LP said one who worships this palakit and pray for affection from a girl will surely get it. In no more than 3 or 7 days the girl will become unbearably restless and must come and look for u then can there be relief. Excellent for great attraction, charm, influence, success in love, business sales and protection. Consecrated in 2558 (2017). Only 377 pieces made. 3 pieces available. $50 each. SOLD OUT. Thks for support! 
猴捉女阳神(吉祥木制, 2寸)- 出自龙普型,半芭塔丙寺,呵叻府。两边都盖有标记。这个强力的猴捉女阳神能让那些不英俊、富有、嘴甜或曾被甩的人都得到爱。他们的困惑可以全被解决。师父说崇拜此阳神而向某女孩求交往的人必定可以成功。因为不到3日或7日那女孩会觉得浑身不自在到受不了,而必需来找你才能恢复正常。能赐予大魅力、吸引力、影响力、求爱、买卖成功及保护。佛历2558(2015)年开光。只做377支。有3支。每支50元

Katha Ling Ching Nang:

Puttang Rattanang,
Thammang Rattanang,
Sangkang Rattanang,
Na Pook, Mo Mat, Put Rat,
Ta Reung, Ya Kreung Kare,
Om Sawaha (3x).

*After reciting u can make a wish for love,
b4 going out to meet the girl*

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