Sunday, April 24, 2016

Hong Prai Jao Saneh 魅力赌王鬼

Hong Prai Jao Saneh (Oil and soil material) from LP Chart, Patibat Tham Kok Sung, Roi Et. Made from real NMP and cemetery soil, with ruby eyes, mini kmt roop and 3 takruts embedded behind. LP consecrated this hong prai for 3 months using powerful black magic. LP is a top master of necromancy in the province and his stuff are very popular among Malaysian customers, but still relatively unknown in Spore. Excellent for powerful attraction, side wealth and gambling luck. Consecrated in 2558 (2015). 3 pieces available. $50 each. SOLD OUT. Thks for support!
魅力赌王鬼(油与土制)- 出自龙婆查特,阔怂法舍,橫逸府。此牌是用真正的尸油和坟土制成的,有红水晶眼,后面塞迷你古曼尊和3支符管。师父运用强力的降头术加持了这批鬼牌3个月。龙婆是该府顶尖的降头师;他的东西非常受马来西亚信徒的欢迎,但在新加坡还没多少人懂。能赐予强大的魅力、偏财及赌运。佛历2558(2015)年开光。有3粒。每粒50元

Katha Hong Prai:

Ehi Ehi Katang, Piyang Gayo,
Hong Prai Jao Saneh, Ehi Mah Mah,
Ehi Sawahak (3x).

**After reciting the katha u can make a wish for help in
attracting someone or good luck in gambling. Offer with
rice wine and cigarette whenever it succeeds in helping u.**

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