Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Yin Koo Maha Saneh II 大魅和合神

Yin Koo Maha Saneh II (Mixed metal and powder material) First batch from LP Cheun, Wat Tayee, Buri Ram. Already placed in micron gold casing. Another legendary amulet from LP, this Yin Koo is made with melted coffin nails, magic metal, many types of Saneh powder and many other occult materials; then bound with Saisin and 2 takruts at the front and back. The late LP was a famous expert in many Khmer wicha and also the master of LP Goy. Excellent for Metta Saneh, Metta Mahaniyom, attraction, relationship harmony and good business sales. Consecrated in 2543 (2000). $160. 
大魅和合神(金和粉制)第一批 - 出自龙婆趁,大易寺,武里喃府。已装入彩色镀金壳。这是师父另外一个传奇性的牌,是用融掉的棺材钉、法力金属、多种魅力粉及其他灵异材料混合而成,然后用经线和前后2支符管缠绑。已过世的龙婆趁是个精通多种柬埔寨法术的高僧,也是当今龙婆盖的师父。能赐予异性缘、大众缘、魅力、和合及好生意。佛历2543(2000)年开光。160元

Katha Yin Koo:

Om Laluay Maha Laluay,
Ngong Jong Jai Nai Dua Eng,
Meun Chang Rak Ngah,
Rak Dua Eng Meun Wua Tam Mae,
Yee (name of person) Nan Rak
Dua Goo Hai Neh,
Om Sitti Sitti Sawahom (9x).

*Worship this amulet and think of the person(s) u want
to attract b4 reciting the katha. After finishing u can make
a wish for love from that person(s).*

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