Thursday, November 26, 2015

Rian Khun Paen Pong Seua Bai 舍白粉坤平牌

Rian Khun Paen Pong Seua Bai (Rakang bell material) Saneha Nathong batch from Phra Thep Suwanmoli of Wat Palelai, Suphanburi. Already encased in plastic. This special 9-in-1 KP contains the bone ash of the recently deceased AJ Seua Bai, one of the 5 tiger bandits in olden times. The KP rian is made from the melted 100yrs old temple bell, and possess strong energy. It is no doubt the best KP produced by the temple in recent yrs. Excellent for strong attraction, popularity, wealth, boost luck, fame, good business and protection from all danger. Consecrated in 2558 (2015). 2 pieces available. $70 each. SOLD OUT. Thks for support!
舍白粉坤平牌(铜钟制)金面魅力批 - 出自帕帖素弯摩利,巴丽莱寺,素攀府。已包防水壳。这特别的九合一坤平内涵最近过世的阿赞舍白骨灰粉;他就是当年五虎大盗之一。而这个坤平牌是用寺庙的百年老钟溶解而铸成的,本身就有很强的能量。它无疑是巴丽莱寺近年来所出的最佳坤平。能赐予强大魅力、人见人爱、财富、起运、名声、好生意及在一切危险中得到保护。佛历2558(2015)年开光。有2粒。每粒70元

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