Saturday, February 28, 2015

Si Peung Maklam Tam Rak 催情相思豆人缘膏

Si Peung Maklam Tam Rak (Bee wax material) from LP Tha of Wat Pah Tosapon, Kalasin. It is made with a mixture of bee wax, mesmerizing powder and love beans. LP said whoever uses this wax will become very attractive, can easily find a lover of choice. Businessmen will find it easy to attract customers, sell their goods and make money. Consecrated in 2557 (2014). 3 pieces available. $30 each. SOLD OUT. Thks for support!
催情相思豆人缘膏(蜂蜡制)- 出自龙普踏,芭头沙碰寺,加拉信府。它是用蜂蜡、魅惑粉和相思豆混合而制成。老师父说谁用了此膏都会变得很有吸引力,可以轻松的找到自己想要的爱人。生意人会很容易吸引顾客,卖商品及赚钱。佛历2557 (2014)年开光。有3罐。每罐30元

Si Peung katha:

Mettanang Jitta Jittang,
Jitta Pantanang, Arahang Jitti (3x).

*Recite b4 applying to mouth and eyebrows*

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