Sunday, January 25, 2015

Takrut Panya Wai 急智符管

Takrut Panya Wai (Lead material, 0.5") 1st batch from LP Tawee of Wat Masong, Nonthaburi. This special small takrut is stuffed and coated with mind boosting holy powder. LP is the top disciple and successor of LP Noi Wat Sisathong, the most famous master of Rahu wicha. This is the first time he is making this takrut. Excellent for boosting intellect, quick and sharp thinking, improve memory and understanding power. Most suitable for students. Consecrated in 2557 (2014). 10 pieces available . $30 each. SOLD OUT. Thks for support!
急智符管 (铅制, 0.5寸)第一批 - 出自龙婆塔威,马宋寺,暖武里府。这个特别的小符管沾及塞满了增强脑力的圣粉。师父是罗睺法术最有名的席萨通寺龙婆乃之大弟子兼传人。这是他第一次制造此符管。能赐予智力 、快速敏捷思维、记忆力及理解力。最适合在读学生。佛历2557(2014)年开光。有10支 。每支30元

Takrut katha:

Namo Tassa (3x)
Sahassa Netto Tewinto,
Tipa Jakkung, Wiso Thayi (3, 7, 9x).

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