Friday, September 12, 2014

Phra Pidta Gradok Phi III 鬼骨遮面佛

Phra Pidta Gradok Phi III (Old powder material) from Phra AJ Nu, Wat Pho Tatien, Bangkok. Already placed in steel casing. This legendary Pidta is made from many magical powders, special bone ash powder, as well as the difficult to obtain "Wan Kraseu". AJ Nu made these amulets for soldiers fighting in the Indochin war. The legend goes that Thai soldiers who wore this amulet and were shot in battle could stand right back up again and continue to fight. The Japanese thought they were ghost soldiers. Excellent for main and side wealth attraction, good luck, good business, sixth sense and deflection of all danger. Consecrated around 2485 (1942). 2 pieces available. $300 each. SOLD OUT. Thks for support!
鬼骨遮面佛(旧粉制)- 出自帕阿赞奴,剖塔田寺,曼谷。已装入钢壳。这传奇性的毕打是用多种圣粉、特殊的骨灰粉还有非常难寻得的“飞头鬼药草”所制。师父是为了出征印度支那战争的士兵而制造这批牌的。据说当时佩戴此牌的泰国士兵尽管在战场上中枪也可以马上站起来继续战斗。日本人都以为他们是鬼兵。能赐予正偏财、好运、好生意、第六感及顶开一切危险。佛历2485(1942)年左右开光。有2粒。每粒300元

**Offer food with 1 glass of water to Phra Pidta Gradok Phi every Wan Phra or full moon and new moon days. Every night before sleeping worship Phra Pidta Gradok Phi and request protection from the amulet.**

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