Monday, June 23, 2014

Malaeng Por Riak Sap bucha 供奉型招财蜻蜓

Malaeng Por Riak Sap bucha (Bronze material) 1st batch from LP Jak, Wat Khao Rang Gai, Chainat. Tied with 5-colored cloth, with many Yants and Akaras engraved all over the bucha; 2 wealth takruts and Saisin embedded below. This is a rare dragonfly bucha from LP, who made it according to the dragonfly wicha of LP Sen. LP Jak once said that whoever owns and worships this bucha will never be poor and always have money coming in to feed him. Excellent for all round Metta, wealth attraction, good luck, good business and protection. Consecrated in 2552 (2009). $250. SOLD. Thks for support!
供奉型招财蜻蜓(黑铜制)第一批 - 出自龙婆匝,考让改寺,猜納府。供奉型用五色布缠绑,周围刻了许多符印符字;底下塞有2支招财符管和经线。 这是个稀有的蜻蜓金身,是师父按照龙婆森之蜻蜓法术而制造的。龙婆曾说过谁能拥有并供奉此蜻蜓都不会挨穷,而会一直有金钱进来供养此人。能赐予全面人缘、正偏财、好运、好生意及保护。佛历2552 (2009) 年开光。250元

Malaeng Por Riak Sap Katha:

Namo Tassa (3x)
Na Mo Put Ta Ya, Ma Pa Tha Na,
Pa Ga Ja Sa, Ma Na Na Ma,
Ma Ah Ah Ma, Ma U U Ma (11x).

**Pray with 9 joss sticks when chanting the katha**

1 comment:

Unknown said...

請問大大 Lp jak 師傅 做的螃蟹 也是這經文嗎?

Namo Tassa (3x)
Na Mo Put Ta Ya, Ma Pa Tha Na,
Pa Ga Ja Sa, Ma Na Na Ma,
Ma Ah Ah Ma, Ma U U Ma (11x).