Saturday, January 25, 2014

Phra LP Krai Pim 4 Liam 方模峦普该

Phra LP Krai Pim 4 Liam (Wan material) from PT Sing of Wat Lamphaya, Yala. This amulet is made from old Wan powder. LP Krai was a legendary Arahant monk in Yala and also a fellow contemporary of LP Tuad 400 over years ago. He always had a pair of cobra and white tiger guarding him. Excellent for power, authority, prosperity and protection. Consecrated in 2513 (1970). $40. Sold. Thanks for support! 
方模峦普该(药草制)- 出自婆叹形,兰帕亚寺,惹拉府。此牌是用旧药草泥制成的。峦普在400多年前乃是惹拉府之传奇阿罗汉圣僧,也是峦普托之同门修行者。他身边常有一对眼镜蛇和白虎做护法。能赐予力量、威严、兴旺及保护。佛历2513 (1970)年开光。40元

LP Krai Katha:

Namo Tassa (3x)
Puttang Nakak Phayakang Heum Ham
Iti Namo Sugato Puttang Atto (3x).

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