Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Roop Phaya Kao Kam II 金角大王

Roop Phaya Kao Kam II (Yellow copper material) from LP Pin, Wat Nong Kesorn, Rachaburi. With mini Yin Koo roop and special Metta Wan embedded below. LP Pin is very famous for his Metta Saneh and relationship harmony amulets in the province. He passed away in 2554. Phaya Kao Kam is a legendary warrior king from the Northern Thailand Chiang Mai region. He was born with golden horns, possess great power and popular with ladies. Excellent for Metta Saneh, attraction, power, authority, influence, courage and deflection of all danger. Consecrated in 2552 (2009). 3 pieces available. $60 each. SOLD OUT. Thks for support!
金角大王(黄铜制)- 出自峦珀彬,浓给怂寺,叻丕府。底下塞有迷你和合神和特别的人缘药草。师父的人缘和合牌在该府相当出名。他在佛历2554年已经圆寂。金角大王是泰北清迈的传奇霸主,天生头上有金角,勇猛无比而大受美女崇拜。能赐 予异性缘、魅力、力量、威严、影响力、勇敢及顶开一切危险。佛历2552(2009)年开光。有3粒,每粒60元

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