Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Phra Pikanet tile bucha 象神供奉型瓦片

Phra Pikanet tile bucha (Holy powder material, 10" x 5.5") from LP Sanit of Wat Lam Bua Loi, Nakhon Nayok. Made from old holy powder and clay, with hand drawn Yant behind. LP was the top guru monk most famous for his wealth crocodile and turtle wicha, which he learned from LP Seng. Legend has it he was able to make crocodiles made from wood or stone come alive and start swimming. He passed away in 2542 at the age of 74. Excellent for bestowing wisdom, wealth attraction, overcome obstacles, good business and protection from all danger. Consecrated in 2540 (1997). $130.
象神供奉型瓦片(圣粉制,10寸x5.5寸)- 出自峦珀撒逆,兰波来寺,坤西育府。它是用旧圣粉和陶土混合而成的,后面有手画符印。师父曾是该府之第一高僧,以他从峦普醒学得之招财鳄鱼和神龟法门闻名国内外。传说他能让木石雕的鳄鱼活起来并在水中游泳。师父在佛历2542年圆寂,享年74岁。能赐予智慧、招财、克服障碍、好生意及在一切危险中得到保护。佛历2540(1997)年开光。130元

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