Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Phayant Tewa Tham II 天神法轮布符

Phayant Tewa Tham II (Cloth material, 17.5"x18") from AJ Yit of Wat Chulamani, Samut Songkram. This phayant has 8 Devadas in the 8 directions and Dhamma Cakka in the middle. Excellent for bringing good luck and wealth to your house as well as protecting it against negative Chi, black magic and evil spirits, most suitable for Fengshui use. Consecrated in 2554 (2011). 3 pieces available. $25 each.
天神法轮布符(布制,17.5寸x18寸)- 出自阿赞易,朱拉吗呢寺,夜功府。此布符上面印有八方天神坐镇,法轮在中间。能为家宅招好运、财富并化解煞气、降头及邪灵威胁,最适合风水运用。佛历2554(2011)年开光。有3张,每张25元

**Customer feedback that not long after he put up this Phayant in his house, he struck 4-D for his house unit no! Really good for house Fengshui. Best to be put in South sector of house for this year to enhance the 9-Purple and Great Profit Stars.**

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