Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Maeng Moom San Yai Rak 爱网蜘蛛

Maeng Moom San Yai Rak (Holy powder material) from Ajarn Pon of Arsom Lersi Payakaraj, Bangkok. Heart-shaped spider of success with ruby and Akara in front, mini KP, 2 takruts and tapian fish behind. This spider wicha is passed down from LP Suk to LP Supa. Excellent for webbing in wealth from all directions, Metta Maha Niyom, good business sales, good luck and protection. Consecrated in 2555 (2012). $120. SOLD. Thks for support!
爱网蜘蛛(圣粉制)- 出自阿赞碰,虎仙舍,曼谷。此心形的成功蜘蛛前面有红宝石和符字,后面有迷你坤平、两支小符管和金银鱼。这蜘蛛法门是从峦普素传下来给峦普苏琶的。能网罗四方之财、增强大众缘、带来好生意、好运及给予保护。佛历2555(2012)年开光。120元

Wealth Spider Katha:

Namo Tassa (3x)
Putta Metta Thamma Metta Sangka Metta
Suwanna Lachatang Maha Suwanna Lachatang
Angkata Setthi Maha Angkata Setthi
Mikata Setthi Maha Mikata Setthi
Purisessawa Ittiwa Prahom Ma Mee Wah
Racha Montri Ma Ah U Mani Mah Mah (3, 7 or 9x).

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