Saturday, December 31, 2016

Phra Upakut Ner Duang 开运乌巴固尊

Phra Upakut Ner Duang (Red and Yellow copper material) Na Setthi Ner Duang batch from KB Na of Samnak Song Doi Yee Hui, Lampoon. With kring inside, Rahu at the base, Yant and serial no engraved below. KB Na is an old guru monk expert in many types of Lanna spirit wicha. He has only recently started making amulets. Excellent for all round Metta, wealth attraction, boost luck, good business and protection from all danger. Most suitable for those who need Metal and Water in their Bazi as this is the "Water Buddha". Consecrated in 2559 (2016). 2 pieces available. $40 each.
开运乌巴固尊(红黄铜制)纳财主开运批 - 出自古巴纳,多依辉僧舍,南奔府。此尊内有铃珠,基部有罗睺,底下刻有符印和篇号。师父是泰北的高僧,精通许多兰纳系的控灵法术。他是最近才开始出佛牌。能赐予全面人缘、招财、起运、好生意及在一切危险中得到保护。最适合八字五行用金水之人,因为这是“水佛”。佛历2559(2016)年开光。有2粒。每粒40元

Upakut Katha:

Namo Tassa (3x)
Upakutto Ja Maha Thero, Samputtena Wiyakato,
Maran Ja Mara Palan Ja, So Itani Maha Thero,
Na Massi Tawa, Patit Tito Ahang Wanthami,
Itanewak Upakuttang Ja Maha Therang,
Yang Yang Upattawang, Chatang Witang Seti,
Asesato Maha Laphang Phawantume (3x).

**This is the longer katha for invoking the full
water power of Phra Upakut**

Phra Pidta Na Setthi 纳财主掩面佛

Phra Pidta Na Setthi (Holy powder material) Na Setthi Ner Duang batch from KB Na of Samnak Song Doi Yee Hui, Lampoon. With golden shell and takrut embedded in front, Yant plate, jiworn cloth and gem fragments embedded behind. KB Na is an old guru monk expert in many types of Lanna spirit wicha. He has only recently started making amulets. Excellent for main and side wealth, boost luck, good business and deflection of all danger. Consecrated in 2559 (2016). 2 pieces available. $50 each.
纳财主掩面佛(圣粉制)纳财主开运批 - 出自古巴纳,多依辉僧舍,南奔府。前面塞有镀金壳和符管,后面塞符片、袈裟布和宝石碎。师父是泰北的高僧,精通许多兰纳系的控灵法术。他是最近才开始出佛牌。能赐予正财偏财、起运、好生意及顶开一切危险。佛历2559(2016)年开光。有2粒。每粒50元

Pidta Katha:

Namo Tassa (3x)
Na Mah Mi Mah, Ngern Kam Mah,
Thong Kam Mah, Na Cha Li Ti,
Na Ma Pa Ta, Na Mo Put Ta Ya (3x).

Friday, December 30, 2016

Locket Mae Tani 芭蕉精法相

Locket Mae Tani (Clay material) Na Maha Saneh batch from KB Na of Samnak Song Doi Yee Hui, Lampoon. Already encased in plastic. With holy powder, takrut, bottle of Mae Tani ash, dice, mini spider, pair of Salika roops, crystal ball and gem fragments embedded behind. KB Na is an old guru monk expert in many types of Lanna spirit wicha. He has only recently started making amulets. Excellent for strong popularity, main and side wealth, good luck, good business and protection. Most suitable for those who need Wood in their Bazi and possess strong Yang energy. Consecrated in 2559 (2016). 2 pieces available. $70 each.
芭蕉精法相(陶瓷制)纳大魅力批 - 出自古巴纳,多依辉僧舍,南奔府。已包防水壳。后面塞圣粉、符管、芭蕉精灰、骰子、迷你蜘蛛、双妙音鸟、水晶珠和宝石碎。师父是泰北的高僧,精通许多兰纳系的控灵法术。他是最近才开始出佛牌。能赐予人见人爱、正财偏财、好运、好生意及保护。最适合八字五行用木和阳气较旺之人。佛历2559(2016)年开光。有2粒。每粒70元

Mae Tani Katha:

Patamang Pintugang Chatang, Na Jang Ngang,
Mo Jang Ngang, Put Laluay, Ta Laluay,
Na Klai Jit Garo Hoti, Piyang Mak Mak (3x).

Phra Khun Paen Prai Mae Bua Thong 金莲花母坤平

Phra Khun Paen Prai Mae Bua Thong (Loha and powder material) Na Maha Saneh batch from KB Na of Samnak Song Doi Yee Hui, Lampoon. With metal shell decorated with gold foil and 2 Yant chops in front, holy powder, mini golden lotus, crystal ball, Rooster, Yin Koo roops, jiworn cloth and 3 takruts embedded behind. KB Na is an old guru monk expert in many types of Lanna spirit wicha. He has only recently started making amulets. Excellent for strong attraction, popularity, good luck, good business and protection from all danger. Consecrated in 2559 (2016). 2 pieces available. $50 each. SOLD OUT. Thks for support!
金莲花母坤平(五宝铜与圣粉制)纳大魅力批 - 出自古巴纳,多依辉僧舍,南奔府。前面是有金箔装饰和符印标记的金属壳,后面塞圣粉、迷你金莲花、水晶珠、公鸡、和合神、袈裟布和3支符管。师父是泰北的高僧,精通许多兰纳系的控灵法术。他是最近才开始出佛牌。能赐予强大魅力、人见人爱、好运、好生意及在一切危险中得到保护。佛历2559(2016)年开光。有2粒。每粒50元

KP Katha:

Patamang Itthime, Yobukka Loka Marakang,
Raka Saneha, Kamak Jittang Jittang,
Piyang Mak Mak (3x).

Thursday, December 29, 2016

Locket Jao Por Yee Gor Hong V 二哥丰法相

Locket Jao Por Yee Gor Hong V (Clay material) 1st batch from LP Wichai of Wat Tod Rat, Sakaew. Already encased in plastic. With hand drawn Yants, holy powder, old coin, dice and 2 takruts embedded behind. LP Wichai is famous for his wealth fetching wicha in the province, and many devotees like to wear his amulets to the nearby Casinos in Cambodia. Excellent for main and side wealth attraction, gambling luck, good business and protection from all danger. Consecrated in 2559 (2016). 2 pieces available. $80 each.
二哥丰法相(瓷制)第一批 - 出自龙婆威猜,托腊寺,沙缴府。已包防水壳。后面有手画符印、圣粉、旧钱币、骰子和2支符管。师父的招财法术在该府相当闻名,而许多信徒也喜欢佩戴他的牌去附近的柬埔寨赌场。能赐予正财偏财、赌运、好生意及在一切危险中得到保护。佛历2559(2016)年开光。有2粒。每粒80元

Yee Gor Hong Katha:

Nam Mo Dai Seu Dai Pui,
Liang Miang Jeng Sae Yee Gor Hong,
Chai Sing Yee Gor Hong Po Sak,
Seua Wua Kim Ngerng Chai Por,
Por Jang Chai Kua Seua,
Gao Wua Gae Lai, Gao Wua Gae Lai (3x).

LP Suang 6" bucha 龙普爽6寸金身

LP Suang 6" bucha (Yellow copper material) from LP Khao Haeng of Wat Tha Pan, Surin. Painted gold color, with various amulets, rians, look om and takrut embedded below. LP is the amazing 122yrs old disciple of LP Suang, the legendary eccentric monk who is said to have lived for 500 yrs. After he passed away, his disciples built a Chedi at Wat Prai Pattana to venerate his undecaying body. Excellent for all round Metta, prosperity, wealth, fulfill wishes and protection from all danger. Consecrated in 2559 (2016). $300. SOLD. Thks for support!
龙普爽6寸金身(黄铜制)- 出自龙普靠横,答班寺,素輦府。金色油金色,底下塞有多粒佛牌、铜牌、法丸和符管。老师父是龙普爽之神奇的122岁高徒,而我们都知道其师是个疯癫和尚(犹如济公),传说已经活了五百岁!他当时被崇拜为一个神通广大的活财神。圣僧圆寂之后他的徒弟在派帕塔那寺建了灵塔来供奉他的不灭金身。能赐予全面人缘、好运及在一切危险中得到保护。佛历2559(2016)年开光。300元

LP Suang Wealth Katha:

Namo Tassa (3x)
Namo Pothisatto Mahakunno Mahittiko Mahalapho,
Ahang Puchemi Sitti Lapho Nirantang,
Puttang Prasittime,
Thammang Prasittime,
Sangkang Prasittime,
Ariya Ong Suang Sampanno,
Itipiso Namo Puttaya,
Isawasuki Mahabandan,
Sajjang Prasittime Sathu Sathu Sathu (3 or 7x).

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Phra Somdej Lang Jiworn III 背袈裟颂德佛

Phra Somdej Lang Jiworn III (Old clay material) from LP Suang of Ban Lalom, Si Saket. With a piece of LP's jiworn cloth pasted behind. LP Suang is another legendary eccentric monk who is said to have lived for 500 yrs. He was revered as a living wealth god with great supernormal powers. After LP passed away, his disciples built a Chedi at Wat Prai Pattana to venerate his undecaying body. Excellent for all around Metta, good luck and protection from all danger. Consecrated in 2519 (1976). 5 pieces available. $50 each. SOLD OUT. Thks for support!
背袈裟颂德佛(旧陶土制)- 出自龙普爽,拉隆村,四色菊府。后面贴有一片师父袈裟布。龙普爽是个疯癫和尚(犹如济公),传说已经活了五百岁!他当时被崇拜为一个神通广大的活财神。圣僧圆寂之后他的徒弟在派帕塔那寺建了灵塔来供奉 他的不灭金身。能赐予全面人缘、好运及在一切危险中得到保护。佛历2519(1976)年开光。有5粒。每粒50元

LP Suang Wealth Katha:

Namo Tassa (3x)
Namo Pothisatto Mahakunno Mahittiko Mahalapho,
Ahang Puchemi Sitti Lapho Nirantang,
Puttang Prasittime,
Thammang Prasittime,
Sangkang Prasittime,
Ariya Ong Suang Sampanno,
Itipiso Namo Puttaya,
Isawasuki Mahabandan,
Sajjang Prasittime Sathu Sathu Sathu (3 or 7x).

Phra Khun Paen Um Gai Lang Jiworn V 背袈裟抱鸡坤平

Phra Khun Paen Um Gai Lang Jiworn V (Old clay material) from LP Suang of Ban Lalom, Si Saket. With KP carrying chicken in front, temple chop and LP's Jiworn cloth behind. These are the KPs that are said to be banned from the casinos in Cambodia. LP Suang is another legendary eccentric monk who is said to have lived for 500 yrs. He was revered as a living wealth god with great supernormal powers. After LP passed away, his disciples built a Chedi at Wat Prai Pattana to venerate his undecaying body. Excellent for Metta Mahaniyom, side wealth, gambling luck, success and protection from all danger. Consecrated in 2519 (1976). 2 pieces available. $60 each. SOLD OUT. Thks for support!
背袈裟抱鸡坤平(旧陶土制)- 出自龙普爽,拉隆村,四色菊府。前面是坤平抱鸡,后面盖有寺庙标记和师父袈裟布。这些就是据说在柬埔寨赌场被禁带入的坤平牌。龙普爽是个疯癫和尚(犹如济公),传说已经活了五百岁! 他当时被崇拜为一个神通广大的活财神。圣僧圆寂之后他的徒弟在派帕塔那寺建了灵塔来供奉他的不灭金身。能赐予大众缘、偏财、赌运、成功及在一切危险中得到保护。佛历2519(1976)年开光。有2粒。每粒60元

LP Suang Wealth Katha:

Namo Tassa (3x)
Namo Pothisatto Mahakunno Mahittiko Mahalapho,
Ahang Puchemi Sitti Lapho Nirantang,
Puttang Prasittime,
Thammang Prasittime,
Sangkang Prasittime,
Ariya Ong Suang Sampanno,
Itipiso Namo Puttaya,
Isawasuki Mahabandan,
Sajjang Prasittime Sathu Sathu Sathu (3 or 7x).

Sunday, December 25, 2016

Rian Sema PT Eaum 界石模婆叹嗯牌

Rian Sema PT Eaum (Samrit material) 2nd batch from PT Eaum of Samnak Song Taling Chan, Pattalung. Already placed in Nawa longya casing. With his sitting image in front, serial no and temple code chopped behind. PT Eaum is currently one of the most respected old guru monks in Pattalung, well known in Malaysia and Singapore. Excellent for all round Metta, authority, prosperity and deflection of all danger. Consecrated in 2558 (2015). $120.
界石模婆叹嗯牌(三合铜制)第二批 - 出自婆叹嗯,塔灵参僧舍,博他仑府。已装入彩色九宝铜壳。前面是他坐像,后面盖有篇号和标记。婆叹是当今博他仑最受尊敬的老师父之一,名气已扩张到了新马的信徒。能赐予全面人缘、兴旺及顶开一切危险。佛历2558(2015)年开光。120元

Rian PT Eaum 婆叹嗯牌

Rian PT Eaum (Samrit material) 1st batch from PT Eaum of Samnak Song Taling Chan, Pattalung. Already placed in micron gold longya casing. With his image in front, serial no and temple code chopped behind. PT Eaum is currently one of the most respected old guru monks in Pattalung, well known in Malaysia and Singapore. Excellent for all round Metta, authority, prosperity and deflection of all danger. Consecrated in 2557 (2014). $200.
婆叹嗯牌(三合铜制)第一批 - 出自婆叹嗯,塔灵参僧舍,博他仑府。已装入彩色镀金壳。前面是他肖像,后面盖有篇号和标记。婆叹是当今博他仑最受尊敬的老师父之一,名气已扩张到了新马的信徒。能赐予全面人缘、兴旺及顶开一切危险。佛历2557(2014)年开光。200元

Friday, December 23, 2016

Mahabodhi Golden Posters 大菩提金海报

Mahabodhi Golden Posters (Foil material, 9"x12") from Mahabodhi temple, Bodhigaya, India. Already laminated. The 1st poster features the Mahabodhi Stupa famous throughout the Buddhist world and the 2nd one features the Luang Por Metta statue, perhaps the most sacred Buddha statue in the temple. Comes with free dried Bodhi leaf from the Bodhi Tree where Lord Buddha attained Enlightenment. $30 each.
大菩提金海报(金片制, 9寸x12寸)- 出自大菩提寺,菩提迦耶,印度。已经用塑料叠压在外层。第一张是全世界佛教最有名的摩诃菩提佛塔,第二张是寺里最神圣的慈爱佛像。附送来自佛陀成道的大菩提树之干叶。每张30元

Roop Lor Seua Phayak 猛虎尊

Roop Lor Seua Phayak (Tooth material) from LP Pahn of Wat Bang Hia, Samut Prakan. Carved from tiger tooth, with open mouth and closed mouth versions, supported with silver wire. LP Pahn was perhaps the earliest maker of Tiger roop amulets in Thailand. His old tiger roops made of tiger tooth are highly prized in the amulet world today. Excellent for power, authority, good luck, attract wealth, protection from black magic, evil spirits, enemies and all danger. Most suitable for those born in Year of Tiger, Pig, Horse, Dog. Consecrated in 2480 (1937). 2 pieces available. $250 each. SOLD OUT. Thks for support!
猛虎尊(牙制)- 出自龙普潘,邦夏寺,北揽府。此尊是用虎牙雕刻出来的,有开口和闭口的版本,身上有银线支撑。龙普是泰国最早制造虎尊的高僧,而他的虎牙虎尊是最受佛牌界所推崇的。能赐予力量、威严、好运、招财、防御降头、邪灵、怨敌及危险。最适合肖虎、猪、马、狗之人。佛历2480(1937)年开光 。有2只。每只250元

Seua Phayak Katha:

Pha Yak Ka Pa (3x),
Tamakang Pakasento,
Phayakko Phayakka,
Sat Kah Ah Hak,
Kai Sorn Sa Tit (3x).

Thursday, December 22, 2016

Phra Pidta Setthi Yai 大财主掩面佛

Phra Pidta Setthi Yai (Holy powder material) 90yrs old batch from LP Kambu of Wat Kut Chompu, Ubon Rachathani. Already placed in steel and micron gold casings. With golden mask and 3 or 9 silver takruts embedded in front, Maha Setthi Yant engraved behind. LP already passed away in Feb 2014 at the age of 92. Excellent for main and side wealth, boost luck, prosperity and deflection of all danger. Consecrated in 2555 (2012). $50, $80. SOLD OUT. Thks for support!
大财主掩面佛(圣粉制)90岁大寿批 - 出自龙普堪卜,古充普寺,乌汶府。已装入钢壳和镀金壳。前面塞有金色佛壳和3或9支银符管,后面刻有大财主符印。龙普在2014年2月圆寂,享年92。能赐予正财偏财、起运、兴旺及顶开一切危险。佛历2555(2012)年开光。50元, 80元

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Phra Somdej Kaiser Lang Phra Prom 背梵天凯舌颂德佛

Phra Somdej Kaiser Lang Phra Prom (Holy powder material) Kaiser batch from LP Nu In, Wat Pah Puttamongkon, Kalasin. Already placed in steel and micron gold casings. This Somdej is made from Ittije powder and mixed rainbow holy powders, with copper or silver mask and 3 takruts embedded in front, gold foil and gem decorated Phra Prom behind. LP Nu In is a famous forest monk in the province. 9 other guru monks came to help him bless this batch. Excellent for all round Metta, good luck, career, wish fulfillment and protection from all danger. Consecrated in 2557 (2014). $50, $60, $80. SOLD OUT. Thks for support!
背梵天凯舌颂德佛(圣粉制)凯舌批 - 出自龙婆奴因,吉祥佛寺,加拉信府。已装入钢壳和镀金壳。此颂德是用忆地杰圣粉和混合彩色圣粉来制成,前面塞铜或银佛壳及3支符管,后面有金箔和宝石碎装饰的四面神。师父是该府有名的森林苦行僧,而有另外9位高僧帮助他一起加持这批牌。能赐予全面人缘、好运、事业、满愿及在一切危险中得到保护。佛历2557(2014)年开光。50元, 60元, 80元

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Phra Thammajak Buddha 4" bucha 初转法轮佛4寸供奉型

Phra Thammajak Buddha 4" bucha (Stone material) from Vaishali, India. This bucha is carved entirely from a piece of black stone, depicting the Buddha turning the Wheel of the Dharma for the 1st time in the Deer Park to the 5 bhikkus. Excellent for all round Metta, success, guidance and protection from all danger. Consecrated in 2559 (2016). $100.
初转法轮佛4寸供奉型(石制)- 出自毗舍利城,印度。此佛像是完全用一块黑石雕刻出来的,记载佛陀在鹿野苑向五比丘初转法轮的时候。能赐予全面人缘、成功、指导及在一切危险中得到保护。佛历2559(2016)年开光。100元

Dhammaguna Katha:

Svakkhato Bhagavata Dhammo,
Sanditthiko, Akaliko, Ehipassiko,
Opanayiko, Paccattam Veditabbo
Vinnuhiti (3-9x).

Sunday, December 18, 2016

Phra Ruang Maha Jakkapat 大宇宙王站佛

Phra Ruang Maha Jakkapat (Holy powder material) from LT Mah of Wat Tham Meuang Na, Chiang Mai. Already encased in plastic. These amulets are made from LP Doo's old Phra Prom powder, and has crystal like relics growing out from it. This Maha Jakkapat Standing Buddha is the same as the Dharmakaya Buddha Maha Vairocana in Vajrayana Buddhism. LT Mah is a direct disciple of LP Doo and inherited most of his wicha. Excellent for all round Metta, authority, boost luck, prosperity, guidance and protection from all danger. Consecrated in 2559 (2016). $60. SOLD. Thks for support!
大宇宙王站佛(圣粉制)- 出自峦答玛,昙孟纳寺,清迈府。已包防水壳。这些牌是用龙婆度的旧梵天圣粉制成的,上面会生出像水晶这样的舍利出来。这个大宇宙王站佛其实跟密教的法身佛大日如来是相同的。峦答是龙婆度之直系弟子,得到他大部分的法术传承。能赐予全面人缘、威严、起运、兴旺、指导及在一切危险中得到保护。佛历2559(2016)年开光。60元

Katha Pae Metta:

Sappe Putta, Sappe Thamma, Sappe Sangka,
Palappatta Pajjekanan, Jayang Palang,
Arahan Taban, Ja Techena Rakkang,
Pantami Sappaso (5x);
Puttang Atitthami,
Thammang Atitthami,
Sangkang Atitthami (Make a wish accordingly).