Thursday, March 31, 2016

Rian Lor Hanuman Chinabanchon 胜魔猴神牌

Rian Lor Hanuman Chinabanchon (Samrit material) from LP Foo of Wat Bangsamak, Chachengsao. The front is Hanuman battling with the demon Totsakan (Ravana), and with temple codes and serial no chopped behind. LP Foo is the top guru monk of the province and this is his latest batch of amulets. Excellent for power, authority, success, overcome obstacles, warding off black magic, evil spirits and all danger. Consecrated in 2558 (2014). 2 pieces available. $60 each. SOLD OUT. Thks for support!
胜魔猴神牌(三合铜制)- 出自龙普夫,邦萨玛寺,北柳府。前面是哈奴曼与魔王托萨干在战斗,后面盖有标记和篇号。龙普是该府之顶尖高僧,而这是他最新一批牌。能赐予力量、威严、成功、克服障碍、使降头、邪灵及一切危险不得近身。佛历2558(2015)年开光。有2粒。每粒60元

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Rok Meow Mahalap 大富猫胎盘

Rok Meow Mahalap (Placenta material) from LP Ong of Wat Thep Singhan, Ubon Rachatani. Already encased in plastic. Painted gold and with Yant drawn in front, it is made from the placenta of a diamond eye cat, said to be extremely rare. LP is one of the living great forest monks of the Northeast region, who is believed to have attained Iddhi powers through his meditation. Excellent for main and side wealth, good luck, good business and protection. Consecrated in 2558 (2015). 2 pieces available. $160 each. Sold out. Thks for support! 
大富猫胎盘(胎盘制)- 出自龙婆瓮,帖醒函寺,乌汶府。已包防水壳。胎盘前面油了金漆和画了符印。据说是用非常稀有的砖石眼猫胎盘而制成。龙婆乃是泰国东北部最受尊崇的森林苦行僧之一,而很多人相信他在禅定中修得神通。能赐予正财偏财、好运、好生意及保护。佛历2558(2015)年开光。有2个。每个160元

Monday, March 28, 2016

Prakam Leknampi 南劈铁念珠

Prakam Leknampi (Leknampi material) from LP Ong of Wat Thep Singhan, Ubon Rachatani. Consists of 108 leknampi powder beads coated with black lacquer. LP is one of the living great forest monks of the Northeast region, who is believed to have attained Iddhi powers through his meditation. Excellent for boosting luck, energy, wealth and deflection of all danger. Consecrated in 2553 (2010). $50. SOLD. Thks for support!
南劈铁念珠(南劈铁制)- 出自龙婆瓮,帖醒函寺,乌汶府。总共有108油上黑漆的南劈铁粉珠子。龙普乃是泰国东北部最受尊崇的森林苦行僧之一,而很多人相信他在禅定中修得神通。能增强运气、精神、财富及顶开一切危险。佛历2553(2010)年开光。50元

Mitmor Leknampi 南劈铁法刀

Mitmor Leknampi (Leknampi material, 5.5") from LP Ong of Wat Thep Singhan, Ubon Rachatani. Comes with scabbard. With Akaras engraved on both sides of the blade. This is his old batch Mitmor that is famous for dispelling evil. LP is one of the living great forest monks of the Northeast region, who is believed to have attained Iddhi powers through his meditation. Excellent for destroying black magic, vanquishing evil spirits and protection from all danger. Consecrated in 2553 (2010). $100. SOLD. Thks for support!
南劈铁法刀(南劈铁制, 5.5寸)- 出自龙婆瓮,帖醒函寺,乌汶府。附有刀鞘。刀身两面都刻了符字。这是他旧批的法刀,驱邪能力相当有名。龙普乃是泰国东北部最受尊崇的森林苦行僧之一,而很多人相信他在禅定中修得神通。能破除降头、消灭邪灵及在一切危险中得到保护。佛历2553(2010)年开光。100元

Saturday, March 26, 2016

Sian Ajarn Puvon II 阿赞普翁头

Sian Ajarn Puvon II (Old rakang bell material) First batch from AJ Prakong of Wat Bang Waek, Bangkok. Already placed in waterproof silver casing. With serial no and temple chops behind. The price of this Puvon mask has shot up more than 3x compared to 3yrs ago, which shows its rarity. AJ Prakong was the top disciple of famous white robe master of Mon Saneh wicha AJ Puvon. Excellent for powerful Metta Saneh, Metta Mahaniyom, good business sales and protection from all danger. Consecrated in 2547 (2004). $600.
阿赞普翁头(老铜钟制)第一批 - 出自阿赞帕孔,邦威寺,曼谷。已包防水银壳。后面盖有篇号和寺庙标记。此牌的价值跟三年前比已经上超过三倍,所以它的稀有性是肯定的。阿赞帕孔曾是孟传魅力法第一白衣大师阿赞普翁之高徒。能赐予强大魅力、大众缘、 好生意买卖及在一切危险中得到保护。佛历2547(2004)年开光。600元

Phra Kring 3 Na 三纳药师铃佛

Phra Kring 3 Na (Nawa material) Barami 76 batch from LP Kasem of Wat Susan Tailak, Lampang. Already placed in micron gold casing. This batch of Kring with 3 Na at the back is made for his 76th birthday. LP Kasem was one of the most deeply respected guru monks in Northern Thailand during the 80s and 90s due to his powerful Samadhi skill. Excellent for all round Metta, good health, good luck and protection from all danger. Consecrated in 2531 (1988). $120. SOLD. Thks for support!
三纳药师铃佛(九宝铜制)波罗蜜76批 - 出自龙普卡贤,素善代腊寺,南邦府。已装入镀金壳。这批背后有三个纳字的药师佛是为了庆祝师父76岁生日而制造的。在八九十年代龙普卡贤是泰北最受尊崇的高僧,因为他的禅定已到超凡入圣的境界。能赐予全面人缘、健康、好运及在一切危险中得到保护。佛历2531(1988)年开光。120元

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Poo Chuchok Perm Poon Sap 积财祝啄爷

Poo Chuchok Perm Poon Sap (Holy powder material) Setthi Ngern Lan batch from LP Sompong of Wat Mai Pin Klaew, Nakhon Pathom. This pim is made from auspicious Mai Payung wood powder. With gold foil decoration in front, 2 silver takruts and gem embedded behind. There is also the Chinese words "Fa Cai". LP Sompong is a disciple of both LP Sa Ngah and LP Sawai. He is now known to be one of the top master of Chuchok amulets in Thailand today. Many devotees who had no luck in their business experience a 360 degree change after chowing and worshipping LP's Chuchok. Excellent for main and side wealth, boost luck, wish fulfillment, good business sales and protection. Consecrated in 2559 (2016). 2 pieces available. $50 each.
积财祝啄爷(圣粉制)百万银财主批 - 出自龙婆宋碰,迈宾轿寺,佛统府。此模是用吉祥柚木粉制成。前面有金箔装饰,后面塞有2支银符管和宝石。也有“发财”二字。师父是龙婆萨阿和龙婆撒外的徒弟。他被誉为泰国当今制造祝啄牌的顶尖大师之一。许多信徒本来生意没起色,但请了他的祝啄来崇拜之后,就出现了360度的转变。能赐予正财偏财、起运、满愿、好生意买卖及保护。佛历2559(2016)年开光。有2粒。每粒50元

Chuchok Katha:

Iti Sukato Chana Supo,
Chuchako Sukato Iti (5x).

*Pray with 5 joss sticks, sweet biscuits,
cakes and soft drinks*

Takrut Poo Chuchok Samkasat 金银铜祝啄符管

Takrut Poo Chuchok Samkasat (3K material) from LP Sompong of Wat Mai Pin Klaew, Nakhon Pathom. Already encased in plastic. Consist of 3 Chuchok takruts of 3 diff foils. LP Sompong is a disciple of both LP Sa Ngah and LP Sawai. He is now known to be one of the top master of Chuchok amulets in Thailand today. Many devotees who had no luck in their business experience a 360 degree change after chowing and worshipping LP's Chuchok. Excellent for main and side wealth, boost luck, wish fulfillment, good business sales and protection. Consecrated in 2558 (2015). $50. SOLD. Thks for support!
金银铜祝啄符管(金银铜制)- 出自龙婆宋碰,迈宾轿寺,佛统府。已包防水壳。里面有3种料的祝啄符管。师父是龙婆萨阿和龙婆撒外的徒弟。他被誉为泰国当今制造祝啄牌的顶尖大师之一。许多信徒本来生意没起色,但请了他的祝啄来崇拜之后,就出现了360度的转变。能赐予正财偏财、起运、满愿、好生意买卖及保护。佛历2558(2015)年开光。50元

Chuchok Katha:

Iti Sukato Chana Supo,
Chuchako Sukato Iti (5x).

*Pray with 5 joss sticks, sweet biscuits,
cakes and soft drinks*

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Poo Chuchok Ong Bucha 祝啄爷金身

Poo Chuchok Ong Bucha (Bronze material, 2.5"x5.5") 1st batch from LP Sompong of Wat Mai Pin Klaew, Nakhon Pathom. Below already sealed with plaster. This is the 1st Chuchok bucha made by him. LP Sompong is a disciple of both LP Sa Ngah and LP Sawai. He is now known to be one of the top master of Chuchok amulets in Thailand today. Many devotees who had no luck in their business experience a 360 degree change after chowing and worshipping LP's Chuchok. Excellent for main and side wealth, boost luck, wish fulfillment, good business sales and protection. Consecrated in 2548 (2005). $160. SOLD. Thks for support!
祝啄爷金身(铜制, 2.5寸X5.5寸)第一批 - 出自龙婆宋碰,迈宾轿寺,佛统府。底下已经塞了石膏。这是他第一次加持的祝啄金身。师父是龙婆萨阿和龙婆撒外的徒弟。他被誉为泰国当今制造祝啄牌的顶尖大师之一。许多信徒本来生意没起色,但请了他的祝啄来崇拜之后 ,就出现了360度的转变。能赐予正财偏财、起运、满愿、好生意买卖及保护。佛历2548(2005)年开光。160元

Chuchok Katha:

Iti Sukato Chana Supo,
Chuchako Sukato Iti (5x).

*Pray with 5 joss sticks, sweet biscuits,
cakes and soft drinks*

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Poo Chuchok Mahalap Rae II 矿石大富祝啄

Poo Chuchok Mahalap Rae II (Rae Lai Dam material) from LP Sompong of Wat Mai Pin Klaew, Nakhon Pathom. Already encased in plastic, with Na Yant drawn behind. This Chuchok is made from a special black mineral with magical power. LP Sompong is a disciple of both LP Sa Ngah and LP Sawai. He is now known to be one of the top master of Chuchok amulets in Thailand today. Many devotees who had no luck in their business experience a 360 degree change after chowing and worshipping LP's Chuchok. Excellent for main and side wealth, boost luck, wish fulfillment, good business sales and protection. Consecrated in 2558 (2015). 3 pieces available. $70 each. SOLD OUT. Thks for support!  
矿石大富祝啄(黑流矿制)- 出自龙婆宋碰,迈宾轿寺,佛统府。已包防水壳,后面画了纳符印。此祝啄是用一种特殊有法力的黑流矿所铸成。师父是龙婆萨阿和龙婆撒外的徒弟。他被誉为泰国当今制造祝啄牌的顶尖大师之一。许多信徒本来生意没起色,但请了他的祝啄来崇拜之后,就出现了360度的转变。能赐予正财偏财、起运、满愿、好生意买卖及保护。佛历2558(2015)年开光。有3粒。每粒70元

Chuchok Katha:

Iti Sukato Chana Supo,
Chuchako Sukato Iti (5x).

*Pray with 5 joss sticks, sweet biscuits,
cakes and soft drinks*

Takrut 9 Taew II 九条符管

Takrut 9 Taew II (Red copper material, 2") from LP Paek, Wat Sawang Arom, Nakhon Pathom. Already placed in steel casing. There are 9 lines of katha pumped onto the foil inside. LP also applied his pink holy powder on the outside. LP Paek is now revered like a wealth god in the province as many devotees won lottery prizes after chowing and worshipping his amulets. Excellent for all round Metta good luck and protection from all danger. Consecrated in 2558 (2015). 5 pieces available. $30 each. 
九条符管(红铜制, 2寸)- 出自龙婆贝克,沙旺阿隆寺,佛统府。已装入钢壳。符管铜片里面盖有九条经文。师父也涂了他的粉红圣粉在外面。龙婆现在佛统府被崇拜为活财神一样,因为有很多信徒请了他的牌来佩戴后都发了横财。能赐予全面人缘、好运及在一切危险中得到保护。佛历2558(2015)年开光。有5支。每支30元

Monday, March 21, 2016

Takrut Nang Gong Daek 破鼓皮符管

Takrut Nang Gong Daek (Drum skin material, 2.5") from LP Paek, Wat Sawang Arom, Nakhon Pathom. Already placed in steel casing. This takrut is made from old temple drum skin. Yants are drawn onto the skin and rolled up into a takrut. LP also applied his pink holy powder on the outside. LP Paek is now revered like a wealth god in the province as many devotees won lottery prizes after chowing and worshipping his amulets. Excellent for Metta Mahaniyom, good reputation, strong influence, good business and protection. Consecrated in 2558 (2015). 3 pieces available. $50 each.
破鼓皮符管(皮制, 2.5寸)- 出自龙婆贝克,沙旺阿隆寺,佛统府。已装入钢壳。符管是用寺庙的旧鼓皮制成的。上面画了符印然后卷起来成符管。师父也涂了他的粉红圣粉在外面。龙婆现在佛统府被崇拜为活财神一样,因为有很多信徒请了他的牌来佩戴后都发了横财。能赐予大众缘、好名声、影响力、好生意及保护。佛历2558(2015)年开光。有3支。每支50元

Takrut Mai Khanun Kad Aew 绑腰菠萝木符管

Takrut Mai Khanun Kad Aew (Wood material, 3") from LP Paek, Wat Sawang Arom, Nakhon Pathom. This takrut is made from a piece of jackfruit wooden rod, with Yants drawn around it and attached to a string belt. LP also applied his pink holy powder on the outside. LP Paek is now revered like a wealth god in the province as many devotees won lottery prizes after chowing and worshipping his amulets. Excellent for power, authority, boost luck, wealth and protection from all danger. Most suitable for those who lack or use Wood in their Bazi. Consecrated in 2558 (2015). 2 pieces available. $60 each.
绑腰菠萝木符管(木制, 3寸)- 出自龙婆贝克,沙旺阿隆寺,佛统府。此符管是用菠萝木管制成,周围画了符印,连在一条绳带上。师父也涂了他的粉红圣粉在外面。龙婆现在佛统府被崇拜为活财神一样,因为有很多信徒请了他的牌来佩戴后都发了横财。能赐予力量、威严、起运补运、催财及在一切危险中得到保护。最适合八字缺木或用木之人。佛历2558(2015)年开光。有2支。每支60元

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Takrut Cheuk Prakam Klong Chang 裹象颈绳符管

Takrut Cheuk Prakam Klong Chang (Rope material, 2") from LP Paek, Wat Sawang Arom, Nakhon Pathom. Already placed in steel casing. This takrut is made from the special enchanted rope used to leash elephants, coated with lacquer and with gold foil pasted in the middle. LP also applied his pink holy powder on the outside. LP Paek is now revered like a wealth god in the province as many devotees won lottery prizes after chowing and worshipping his amulets. Excellent for all round Metta, authority, invulnerability and deflection of all danger. Consecrated in 2558 (2015). 3 pieces available. $70 each.
裹象颈绳符管(绳制, 2寸)- 出自龙婆贝克,沙旺阿隆寺,佛统府。已装入钢壳。此符管是用被加持过的特殊裹象绳而制成,油上了漆,中间贴金箔。师父也涂了他的粉红圣粉在外面。龙婆现在佛统府被崇拜为活财神一样,因为有很多信徒请了他的牌来佩戴后都发了横财。能赐予全面人缘、威严、刀枪不入及顶开一切危险。佛历2558(2015)年开光。有3支。每支70元

Locket AJ Fon 4 Liam 阿赞逢四方法相

Locket AJ Fon 4 Liam (Clay material) Wai Kru Spore 59 batch from AJ Od of Wat Bunrod, Bangkok. With holy powder, takrut, jiworn cloth, bone ash powder and Na Song Hua Yants drawn behind. AJ Od is a famous 3rd generation monk of the AJ Fon lineage. Excellent for powerful Metta Saneh, Metta Mahaniyom, good business sales and evasion of all danger. Consecrated in 2559 (2015). 5 pieces available. $70 each.
阿赞逢四方法相(陶瓷制)59新加坡拜师批 - 出自阿赞喔,汶若寺,曼谷。背后塞有圣粉、符管、袈裟布、骨灰粉和画了纳宋华符印。阿赞是阿赞逢传承第三代的有名僧人。能赐予异性缘、大众缘、好生意及避开一切危险。佛历2559(2016)年开光。 有5粒。每粒70元

*Special heart katha will be taught*