Prakam Kor Meu Hin Phra That V (Stone Relic material) from
Khao Sam Roi Yod, Prachuab Kirikhan. White stone relic wrist beads consisting of
16 beads. Much less than the brownish ones, each bead is like the color of bone.
These amulets are carved out of the sacred stone relics of Khao Sam Roi Yod
mountain in Prachuab province. They possess powerful holy energy even without
being blessed. Excellent for boosting luck, metta, health and protection from
all danger. Also very good amplifying the power of chanting and focusing the
mind during meditation. 3 strings available. $70 each. SOLD OUT. Thks for support!
金刚舍利手珠(舍利石制)- 出自三百峰山,班武里府。每串手珠有16粒白色舍利石珠。而这些像骨一样的白珠数量比红珠少很多。这些牌都是从三百峰山里的舍利石雕刻而成,就算没开光,它本身已经具备强大的神圣能量。能有效起运、增强人缘、健康及远离一切危险。作为增强念经咒的力量和在打坐中让精神更集中的圣物也非常理想。有3串。每串70元。
The Holy Stone relics (Hin Phra That) of Khao Sam Roi Yod
Prachuabkirikhan Province
This is my collection of Thai and Chinese Buddhist amulets and images. Those who are interested in chowing can email me at or call me at +6594594897 or +66619921622. My shop address is at People's Park Centre, 101 Upper Cross St, #03-02, Singapore 058357. Shop closed from 26/06/2017. Will be open on 7-9/07/2017 for 3 days mass clearance sales, after which will be permanently closed. Pls come and support.
Wednesday, September 30, 2015
Prakam Kor Meu Hin Phra That IV 龙宫舍利手珠
Prakam Kor Meu Hin Phra That IV (Stone Relic material) from
Khao Sam Roi Yod, Prachuab Kirikhan. Brownish stone relic wrist beads consisting
of 16 beads. Each bead has a natural eye design like Dzi beads. These amulets
are carved out of the sacred stone relics of Khao Sam Roi Yod mountain in
Prachuab province. They possess powerful holy energy even without being blessed.
Excellent for boosting luck, metta, health and protection from all danger. Also
very good amplifying the power of chanting and focusing the mind during
meditation. 4 strings available. $60 each. SOLD OUT. Thks for support!
龙宫舍利手珠(舍利石制)- 出自三百峰山,班武里府。每串手珠有16粒褐红色舍利石珠,而每粒珠有天然的眼睛,像天珠一样。这些牌都是从三百峰山里的舍利石雕刻而成,就算没开光,它本身已经具备强大的神圣能量。能有效起运、增强人缘、健康及远离一切危险。作为增强念经咒的力量和在打坐中让精神更集中的圣物也非常理想。有4串。每串60元。
The Holy Stone relics (Hin Phra That) of Khao Sam Roi Yod Prachuabkirikhan Province
龙宫舍利手珠(舍利石制)- 出自三百峰山,班武里府。每串手珠有16粒褐红色舍利石珠,而每粒珠有天然的眼睛,像天珠一样。这些牌都是从三百峰山里的舍利石雕刻而成,就算没开光,它本身已经具备强大的神圣能量。能有效起运、增强人缘、健康及远离一切危险。作为增强念经咒的力量和在打坐中让精神更集中的圣物也非常理想。有4串。每串60元。
The Holy Stone relics (Hin Phra That) of Khao Sam Roi Yod Prachuabkirikhan Province
Tuesday, September 29, 2015
Thua Din 5 Kor 五豆花生
Thua Din 5 Kor (Peanut material) from LP Paek, Wat Sawang
Arom, Nakhon Pathom. Already placed in steel casing. This very rare 5 seed
peanut is coated with lacquer and gold foil pasted in the middle. LP also
applied his pink holy powder on the outside. LP Paek is now revered like a
wealth god in the province as many devotees won lottery prizes after chowing and
worshipping his amulets. Excellent for main and side wealth attraction, gambling
luck, good business and protection. $160. SOLD. Thks for support!
五豆花生(花生制)- 出自龙婆贝克,沙旺阿隆寺,佛统府。已装入钢壳。这个非常稀有的5豆花生被油了漆,中间贴金箔。师父也涂了他的粉红圣粉在外面。龙婆现在佛统府被崇拜为活财神一样,因为有很多信徒请了他的牌来佩戴后都发了横财。能赐予正财偏财、赌运、好生意及保护。160元。
*The Thais are crazy abt this 5 seed peanut as they believe it has the power to bring them great wealth. Very hard to get nowadays!*
五豆花生(花生制)- 出自龙婆贝克,沙旺阿隆寺,佛统府。已装入钢壳。这个非常稀有的5豆花生被油了漆,中间贴金箔。师父也涂了他的粉红圣粉在外面。龙婆现在佛统府被崇拜为活财神一样,因为有很多信徒请了他的牌来佩戴后都发了横财。能赐予正财偏财、赌运、好生意及保护。160元。
*The Thais are crazy abt this 5 seed peanut as they believe it has the power to bring them great wealth. Very hard to get nowadays!*
Roop Phaya Jorake Jao Sap 财主鳄鱼王尊
Roop Phaya Jorake Jao Sap (Red copper material) from LP
Paek, Wat Sawang Arom, Nakhon Pathom. With various Yants engraved below and LP's
pink holy powder applied on top. LP Paek is now revered like a wealth god in the
province as many devotees won lottery prizes after chowing and worshipping his
amulets. Excellent for main and side wealth attraction, gambling luck, good
business and protection from all danger. 2 pieces available. $50
each. SOLD OUT. Thks for support!
财主鳄鱼王尊(红铜制)- 出自龙婆贝克,沙旺阿隆寺,佛统府。底下壳有多个符印,上面涂了师父的粉红圣粉。龙婆现在佛统府被崇拜为活财神一样,因为有很多信徒请了他的牌来佩戴后都发了横财。能赐予正财偏财、赌运、好生意及在一切危险中得到保护。有2粒。每粒50元。
*One customer reported that he won $7000 at the Casino jackpot machine after chowing this powerful crocodile*
财主鳄鱼王尊(红铜制)- 出自龙婆贝克,沙旺阿隆寺,佛统府。底下壳有多个符印,上面涂了师父的粉红圣粉。龙婆现在佛统府被崇拜为活财神一样,因为有很多信徒请了他的牌来佩戴后都发了横财。能赐予正财偏财、赌运、好生意及在一切危险中得到保护。有2粒。每粒50元。
*One customer reported that he won $7000 at the Casino jackpot machine after chowing this powerful crocodile*
Monday, September 28, 2015
Phra Somdej Hin Phra That Yai 大龙宫舍利颂德佛
Phra Somdej Hin Phra That Yai (Stone Relic material) from
Khao Sam Roi Yod, Prachuab Kirikhan. Already encased in plastic. This is a big
sized piece of reddish colour stone relic Somdej with big and clear halo designs
in front and behind. These amulets and buchas are carved out of the sacred stone
relics of Khao Sam Roi Yod mountain in Prachuab province. They possess powerful
holy energy even without being blessed. Excellent for boosting luck, metta,
health and protection from all danger. Also very good for focusing the mind
during meditation. $120. Sold. Thks for support!
大龙宫舍利颂德佛(舍利石制)- 出自三百峰山,班武里府。已包防水壳。这是大模的赤色舍利石颂德,前后都有大而清晰的光环纹路。这些牌和像都是从三百峰山里的舍利石雕刻而成,就算没开光,它本身已经具备强大的神圣能量。能有效起运、增强人缘、健康及远离一切危险。作为在打坐中让精神更集中的圣物也非常理想。120元。
The Holy Stone relics (Hin Phra That) of Khao Sam Roi Yod Prachuabkirikhan Province
*A customer won a 4-D prize immediately after chowing 1 piece of the relic stone Somdej. For those who believe, each piece has the energy of an Arahant in it and one gains immense merits from the worship of every one of these amulets*
大龙宫舍利颂德佛(舍利石制)- 出自三百峰山,班武里府。已包防水壳。这是大模的赤色舍利石颂德,前后都有大而清晰的光环纹路。这些牌和像都是从三百峰山里的舍利石雕刻而成,就算没开光,它本身已经具备强大的神圣能量。能有效起运、增强人缘、健康及远离一切危险。作为在打坐中让精神更集中的圣物也非常理想。120元。
The Holy Stone relics (Hin Phra That) of Khao Sam Roi Yod Prachuabkirikhan Province
*A customer won a 4-D prize immediately after chowing 1 piece of the relic stone Somdej. For those who believe, each piece has the energy of an Arahant in it and one gains immense merits from the worship of every one of these amulets*
Phra Somdej Hin Phra That III 龙宫舍利颂德佛
Phra Somdej Hin Phra That III (Stone Relic material) from Khao
Sam Roi Yod, Prachuab Kirikhan. Already encased in plastic. These are medium
sized pieces of reddish colour stone relic Somdej with big and clear halo
designs in front and behind. These amulets and buchas are carved out of the
sacred stone relics of Khao Sam Roi Yod mountain in Prachuab province. They
possess powerful holy energy even without being blessed. Excellent for boosting
luck, metta, health and protection from all danger. Also very good for focusing
the mind during meditation. 3 pieces available. $80 each. Sold out. Thks for support!
龙宫舍利颂德佛(舍利石制)- 出自三百峰山,班武里府。已包防水壳。这是中模的赤色舍利石颂德,前后都有大而清晰的光环纹路。这些牌和像都是从三百峰山里的舍利石雕刻而成,就算没开光,它本身已经具备强大的神圣能量。能有效起运、增强人缘、健康及远离一切危险。作为在打坐中让精神更集中的圣物也非常理想。有3粒。每粒80元。
The Holy Stone relics (Hin Phra That) of Khao Sam Roi Yod Prachuabkirikhan Province
*A customer won a 4-D prize immediately after chowing 1 piece of the relic stone Somdej. For those who believe, each piece has the energy of an Arahant in it and one gains immense merits from the worship of every one of these amulets*
龙宫舍利颂德佛(舍利石制)- 出自三百峰山,班武里府。已包防水壳。这是中模的赤色舍利石颂德,前后都有大而清晰的光环纹路。这些牌和像都是从三百峰山里的舍利石雕刻而成,就算没开光,它本身已经具备强大的神圣能量。能有效起运、增强人缘、健康及远离一切危险。作为在打坐中让精神更集中的圣物也非常理想。有3粒。每粒80元。
The Holy Stone relics (Hin Phra That) of Khao Sam Roi Yod Prachuabkirikhan Province
*A customer won a 4-D prize immediately after chowing 1 piece of the relic stone Somdej. For those who believe, each piece has the energy of an Arahant in it and one gains immense merits from the worship of every one of these amulets*
Sunday, September 27, 2015
Phra Somdej Hin Phra That II 龙宫舍利颂德佛
Phra Somdej Hin Phra That II (Stone Relic material) from Khao
Sam Roi Yod, Prachuab Kirikhan. Already encased in plastic. These are medium
sized pieces of reddish colour stone relic Somdej with big and clear halo
designs in front and behind. These amulets and buchas are carved out of the
sacred stone relics of Khao Sam Roi Yod mountain in Prachuab province. They
possess powerful holy energy even without being blessed. Excellent for boosting
luck, metta, health and protection from all danger. Also very good for focusing
the mind during meditation. 3 pieces available. $80 each. Sold out. Thks for support!
龙宫舍利颂德佛(舍利石制)- 出自三百峰山,班武里府。已包防水壳。这是中模的赤色舍利石颂德,前后都有大而清晰的光环纹路。这些牌和像都是从三百峰山里的舍利石雕刻而成,就算没开光,它本身已经具备强大的神圣能量。能有效起运、增强人缘、健康及远离一切危险。作为在打坐中让精神更集中的圣物也非常理想。有3粒。每粒80元。
The Holy Stone relics (Hin Phra That) of Khao Sam Roi Yod Prachuabkirikhan Province
*A customer won a 4-D prize immediately after chowing 1 piece of the relic stone Somdej. For those who believe, each piece has the energy of an Arahant in it and one gains immense merits from the worship of every one of these amulets*
龙宫舍利颂德佛(舍利石制)- 出自三百峰山,班武里府。已包防水壳。这是中模的赤色舍利石颂德,前后都有大而清晰的光环纹路。这些牌和像都是从三百峰山里的舍利石雕刻而成,就算没开光,它本身已经具备强大的神圣能量。能有效起运、增强人缘、健康及远离一切危险。作为在打坐中让精神更集中的圣物也非常理想。有3粒。每粒80元。
The Holy Stone relics (Hin Phra That) of Khao Sam Roi Yod Prachuabkirikhan Province
*A customer won a 4-D prize immediately after chowing 1 piece of the relic stone Somdej. For those who believe, each piece has the energy of an Arahant in it and one gains immense merits from the worship of every one of these amulets*
Hin Phra That Phra Pajjek Puttajao III 金刚舍利
Hin Phra That Phra Pajjek Puttajao (Stone Relic material)
from Khao Sam Roi Yod, Prachuab Kirikhan. Comes with stainless steel casing,
each contains 5-20 pieces of Pacceka Buddha stone relics. The amulets are carved
out of the sacred stone relics of Khao Sam Roi Yod mountain in Prachuab
province. They possess powerful holy energy even without being blessed.
Excellent for boosting luck, metta, health and protection from all danger. Also
very good for granting of wishes and focusing the mind during meditation. 10
pieces available. $40 each.
金刚舍利(舍利石制)- 出自三百峰山,班武里府。已装入不锈钢壳,每支内有5-20粒金刚舍利(据说是缘觉佛舍利石)。这些牌都是从三百峰山里的舍利石雕刻而成,就算没开光,它本身已经具备强大的神圣能量。能有效起运、增强人缘、健康及远离一切危险。作为帮助实现愿望和在打坐中让精神更集中 的圣物也非常理想。有10支。每支40元。
The Holy Stone relics (Hin Phra That) of Khao Sam Roi Yod Prachuabkirikhan Province
金刚舍利(舍利石制)- 出自三百峰山,班武里府。已装入不锈钢壳,每支内有5-20粒金刚舍利(据说是缘觉佛舍利石)。这些牌都是从三百峰山里的舍利石雕刻而成,就算没开光,它本身已经具备强大的神圣能量。能有效起运、增强人缘、健康及远离一切危险。作为帮助实现愿望和在打坐中让精神更集中 的圣物也非常理想。有10支。每支40元。
The Holy Stone relics (Hin Phra That) of Khao Sam Roi Yod Prachuabkirikhan Province
Saturday, September 26, 2015
Rian Benjapakee 五大古佛牌
Rian Benjapakee (Copper material) from LP Huay of Wat Huay
Sai Tai, Petchaburi. Consisting of Somdej Prok Po, Soom Gor, Phra Rod and Pong
Suphan, with Yant Na Ma Ah U engraved behind. LP Huay is the disciple of LP
Thongsuk, and junior of LP Woon. This old batch was blessed together with LP
Woon. Excellent for all round Metta, good luck and protection from all danger.
Consecrated in 2535 (1992). 4 pieces available. $40 each.
五大古佛牌(铜制)- 出自龙婆怀,汇赛代寺,佛丕府。其中有树荫颂德、顺过、帕洛和碰素攀。后面刻纳吗阿乌符印。师父是龙普通素的徒弟,也是龙婆温的师弟。这个旧批是他和龙婆温一起加持的。能赐予全面人缘、好运及在一切危险中得到保护。佛历2535(1992)年开光。有4粒。每粒40元。
五大古佛牌(铜制)- 出自龙婆怀,汇赛代寺,佛丕府。其中有树荫颂德、顺过、帕洛和碰素攀。后面刻纳吗阿乌符印。师父是龙普通素的徒弟,也是龙婆温的师弟。这个旧批是他和龙婆温一起加持的。能赐予全面人缘、好运及在一切危险中得到保护。佛历2535(1992)年开光。有4粒。每粒40元。
LP Sompong 5" bucha 龙婆宋碰5寸供奉型
LP Sompong 5" bucha (Resin material) from LP Sompong of Wat
Mai Pin Klaew, Nakhon Pathom. Fully painted, with 5 Buddha Yant engraved on the
Jiworn in front. LP Sompong is a disciple of both LP Sa Ngah and LP Sawai. He is
now known to be one of the top master of Chuchok amulets in Thailand today. Many
devotees who had no luck in their business experience a 360 degree change after
chowing and worshipping LP's Chuchok. Excellent for all round Metta, prosperity
and protection. Consecrated in 2550 (2007). $150.
龙婆宋碰5寸供奉型(塑料制)- 出自龙婆宋碰,迈宾轿寺,佛统府。完全上了色,前面袈裟上刻有五佛符印。师父是龙婆萨阿和龙婆撒外的徒弟。他被誉为泰国当今制造祝啄牌的顶尖大师之一。许多信徒本来生意没起色,但请了他的祝啄来崇拜之后,就出现了360度的转变。能赐予全面人缘、兴旺及保护。佛历2550(2007)年开光。150元。
龙婆宋碰5寸供奉型(塑料制)- 出自龙婆宋碰,迈宾轿寺,佛统府。完全上了色,前面袈裟上刻有五佛符印。师父是龙婆萨阿和龙婆撒外的徒弟。他被誉为泰国当今制造祝啄牌的顶尖大师之一。许多信徒本来生意没起色,但请了他的祝啄来崇拜之后,就出现了360度的转变。能赐予全面人缘、兴旺及保护。佛历2550(2007)年开光。150元。
Friday, September 25, 2015
Phra Khun Paen Pong Seua Bai 舍白粉坤平
Phra Khun Paen Pong Seua Bai (Mixed powder material) Saneha
Nathong batch from Phra Thep Suwanmoli of Wat Palelai, Suphanburi. Already
placed in micron gold longya casing. With 3 silver takruts, ruby and mini kmt
roop embedded on both sides. This special 9-in-1 KP contains the bone ash of the
recently deceased AJ Seua Bai, one of the 5 tiger bandits in olden times. The
blue pim is only given to the guru monks who attended the mass chanting. It is
no doubt the best KP produced by the temple in recent yrs. Excellent for strong
attraction, popularity, wealth, boost luck, good business and protection from
all danger. Consecrated in 2558 (2015). $130. SOLD. Thks for support!
舍白粉坤平(混合粉制)金面魅力批 - 出自帕帖素弯摩利,巴丽莱寺,素攀府。已装入彩色镀金壳。前后塞有3支银符管、红宝石和迷你古曼尊。这特别的九合一坤平内涵最近过世的阿赞舍白骨灰粉;他就是当年五虎大盗之一。而蓝色模只分给去开光大会的高僧们。它无疑是巴丽莱寺近年来所出的最佳坤平。能赐予强大魅力、人见人爱、财富、起运、好生意及在一切危险中得到保护。佛历2558(2015)年开光。130元。
舍白粉坤平(混合粉制)金面魅力批 - 出自帕帖素弯摩利,巴丽莱寺,素攀府。已装入彩色镀金壳。前后塞有3支银符管、红宝石和迷你古曼尊。这特别的九合一坤平内涵最近过世的阿赞舍白骨灰粉;他就是当年五虎大盗之一。而蓝色模只分给去开光大会的高僧们。它无疑是巴丽莱寺近年来所出的最佳坤平。能赐予强大魅力、人见人爱、财富、起运、好生意及在一切危险中得到保护。佛历2558(2015)年开光。130元。
Nam Man Dork Mai Hom 香花油
Nam Man Dork Mai Hom (Oil material) from LP Sompong of Wat
Mai Pin Klaew, Nakhon Pathom. This oil is made from the essence of various
fragrant flowers. LP Sompong is a disciple of both LP Sa Ngah and LP Sawai. He
is now known to be one of the top master of Chuchok amulets in Thailand today.
Many devotees who had no luck in their business experience a 360 degree change
after chowing and worshipping LP's Chuchok. Excellent for all round Metta,
attraction, good luck and good business sales. Consecrated in 2557 (2014). 3
bottles available. $30 each. SOLD OUT. Thks for support!
香花油(油制)- 出自龙婆宋碰,迈宾轿寺,佛统府。此油是用多种香花精混合而成。师父是龙婆萨阿和龙婆撒外的徒弟。他被誉为泰国当今制造祝啄牌的顶尖大师之一。许多信徒本来生意没起色,但请了他的祝啄来崇拜之后,就出现了360度的转变。能赐予全面人缘、吸引力、好运及好生意买卖。佛历2557(2014)年开光。有3瓶。每瓶30元。
香花油(油制)- 出自龙婆宋碰,迈宾轿寺,佛统府。此油是用多种香花精混合而成。师父是龙婆萨阿和龙婆撒外的徒弟。他被誉为泰国当今制造祝啄牌的顶尖大师之一。许多信徒本来生意没起色,但请了他的祝啄来崇拜之后,就出现了360度的转变。能赐予全面人缘、吸引力、好运及好生意买卖。佛历2557(2014)年开光。有3瓶。每瓶30元。
Thursday, September 24, 2015
Poo Chuchok Mahalap bucha 供奉型大富祝啄
Poo Chuchok Mahalap bucha (Teakwood material, 3.5"x11.5")
from LP Sompong of Wat Mai Pin Klaew, Nakhon Pathom. Carved from teakwood, with
his hand drawn Yants around the body. LP Sompong is a disciple of both LP Sa
Ngah and LP Sawai. He is now known to be one of the top master of Chuchok
amulets in Thailand today. Many devotees who had no luck in their business
experience a 360 degree change after chowing and worshipping LP's Chuchok.
Excellent for main and side wealth, boost luck, wish fulfillment, good business
sales and protection. Consecrated in 2556 (2013). $220. SOLD. Thks for support!
供奉型大富祝啄(柚木制, 3.5寸x11.5寸)- 出自龙婆宋碰,迈宾轿寺,佛统府。它是用柚木雕刻出来的,身体周围有他手画符印。师父是龙婆萨阿和龙婆撒外的徒弟。他被誉为泰国当今制造祝啄牌的顶尖大师之一。许多信徒本来生意没起色,但请了他的祝啄来崇拜之后,就出现了360度的转变。能赐予正财偏财、起运、满愿、好生意买卖及保护。佛历2556(2013)年开光。220元。
Chuchok Katha:
Iti Sukato Chana Supo,
Chuchako Sukato Iti (5x).
*Pray with 5 joss sticks, sweet biscuits,
cakes and soft drinks*
供奉型大富祝啄(柚木制, 3.5寸x11.5寸)- 出自龙婆宋碰,迈宾轿寺,佛统府。它是用柚木雕刻出来的,身体周围有他手画符印。师父是龙婆萨阿和龙婆撒外的徒弟。他被誉为泰国当今制造祝啄牌的顶尖大师之一。许多信徒本来生意没起色,但请了他的祝啄来崇拜之后,就出现了360度的转变。能赐予正财偏财、起运、满愿、好生意买卖及保护。佛历2556(2013)年开光。220元。
Chuchok Katha:
Iti Sukato Chana Supo,
Chuchako Sukato Iti (5x).
*Pray with 5 joss sticks, sweet biscuits,
cakes and soft drinks*
Poo Chuchok bucha 供奉型丐神祝啄
Poo Chuchok bucha (Blackwood material, 3"x7") from LP
Sompong of Wat Mai Pin Klaew, Nakhon Pathom. Carved from blackwood, with his
hand drawn Yant at the base. LP Sompong is a disciple of both LP Sa Ngah and LP
Sawai. He is now known to be one of the top master of Chuchok amulets in
Thailand today. Many devotees who had no luck in their business experience a 360
degree change after chowing and worshipping LP's Chuchok. Excellent for main and
side wealth, boost luck, wish fulfillment, good business sales and protection.
Consecrated in 2556 (2013). $160. SOLD. Thks for support!
供奉型丐神祝啄(黑木制, 3寸x7寸)- 出自龙婆宋碰,迈宾轿寺,佛统府。它是用黑木雕刻出来的,基部有他手画符印。师父是龙婆萨阿和龙婆撒外的徒弟。他被誉为泰国当今制造祝啄牌的顶尖大师之一。许多信徒本来生意没起色,但请了他的祝啄来崇拜之后,就出现了360度的转变。能赐予正财偏财、起运、满愿、好生意买卖及保护。佛历2556(2013)年开光。160元。
Chuchok Katha:
Iti Sukato Chana Supo,
Chuchako Sukato Iti (5x).
*Pray with 5 joss sticks, sweet biscuits,
cakes and soft drinks*
供奉型丐神祝啄(黑木制, 3寸x7寸)- 出自龙婆宋碰,迈宾轿寺,佛统府。它是用黑木雕刻出来的,基部有他手画符印。师父是龙婆萨阿和龙婆撒外的徒弟。他被誉为泰国当今制造祝啄牌的顶尖大师之一。许多信徒本来生意没起色,但请了他的祝啄来崇拜之后,就出现了360度的转变。能赐予正财偏财、起运、满愿、好生意买卖及保护。佛历2556(2013)年开光。160元。
Chuchok Katha:
Iti Sukato Chana Supo,
Chuchako Sukato Iti (5x).
*Pray with 5 joss sticks, sweet biscuits,
cakes and soft drinks*
Wednesday, September 23, 2015
Phra Pidta Yant Yung Rae 矿石密符遮面佛
Phra Pidta Yant Yung Rae (Rae Lai Dam material) from LP
Sompong of Wat Mai Pin Klaew, Nakhon Pathom. This Pidta is made from a special
black mineral with magical power. LP Sompong is a disciple of both LP Sa Ngah
and LP Sawai. He is now known to be one of the top master of Chuchok amulets in
Thailand today. Many devotees who had no luck in their business experience a 360
degree change after chowing and worshipping LP's Chuchok. Excellent for power,
boost luck, invulnerability and deflection of all danger. Consecrated in 2557
(2014). 3 pieces available. $50 each.
矿石密符遮面佛(黑流矿制)- 出自龙婆宋碰,迈宾轿寺,佛统府。此必打是用一种特殊有法力的黑流矿所铸成。师父是龙婆萨阿和龙婆撒外的徒弟。他被誉为泰国当今制造祝啄牌的顶尖大师之一。许多信徒本来生意没起色,但请了他的祝啄来崇拜之后,就出现了360度的转变。能赐予力量、起运、刀枪不入及顶开一切危险。佛历2557(2014)年开光。有3粒。每粒50元。
矿石密符遮面佛(黑流矿制)- 出自龙婆宋碰,迈宾轿寺,佛统府。此必打是用一种特殊有法力的黑流矿所铸成。师父是龙婆萨阿和龙婆撒外的徒弟。他被誉为泰国当今制造祝啄牌的顶尖大师之一。许多信徒本来生意没起色,但请了他的祝啄来崇拜之后,就出现了360度的转变。能赐予力量、起运、刀枪不入及顶开一切危险。佛历2557(2014)年开光。有3粒。每粒50元。
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