Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Roop Phaya Wanon IV 灵猴王

Roop Phaya Wanon IV (Mekapat material) from LP Anan of Wat Bang Pi Noi, Samut Prakan. With Akaras carved all over the body. Excellent for attracting business, wealth, protection and helping to solve problems. Most helpful towards people born in Year of Snake, Rat, Dragon. LP Anan is now famous in both Thailand and Malaysia due to the power of his monkey amulets. Consecrated in 2554 (2011). Super limited, only 50 pieces made for this pim. 2 pieces available. $100 each. SOLD OUT. Thks for support!
灵猴王(黑化合金制)- 出自峦珀阿难,邦披乃寺,北欖府。全身刻有符字。能招生意、财运、保护及帮助你解决困难。对于肖蛇、鼠、龙 人最为有利。峦珀阿难灵猴王牌的威力如今在泰国和马国都已经相当出名。佛历2554(2010)年开光。非 常限量版,此模只做50粒。有两粒,每粒100元

Phaya Wanon Katha:

Namo Tassa (3x)
Hanumanak Namoputtaya Namapata Japakasa (3x).

Kiao Phaya Wanon 灵猴王牙

Kiao Phaya Wanon (Mekapat material) from LP Anan of Wat Bang Pi Noi, Samut Prakan. Serial no 118, with Akaras carved all over the body. Excellent for attracting business, wealth, protection and helping to solve problems. Most helpful towards people born in Year of Snake, Rat, Dragon. LP Anan is now famous in both Thailand and Malaysia due to the power of his monkey amulets. Consecrated in 2554 (2011). Only 199 pieces made for this pim. $100. SOLD. Thks for support!
灵猴王牙(黑化合金制)- 出自峦珀阿难,邦披乃寺,北欖府。篇号118,全身刻有符字。能招生意、财运、保护及帮助你解决困难。对于 肖蛇、鼠、龙人最为有利。峦珀阿难灵猴王牌的威力如今在泰国和马国都已经相当出名。佛历2554(2010 )年开光。此模只做199粒。100元

Phaya Wanon Katha:

Namo Tassa (3x)
Hanumanak Namoputtaya Namapata Japakasa (3x).

Rian Phra Pidta 9 Don III 九宫八卦闭眼佛

Rian Phra Pidta 9 Don III (Silver Longya material) by LP Boon of Wat Thung Hiang, Chonburi. With 9 Pidta in front and various powerful kathas behind. This special Pidta rian has the ability to attract wealth luck to the wearer and deflect away negative energy from all 8 directions. Also very useful for Fengshui application at home. Consecrated in 2552 (2009). 2 pieces available. $60 each. SOLD OUT. Thks for support!
九宫八卦闭眼佛(彩色银制)- 出自峦珀文,通响寺,春武里府。前有九个闭眼佛,背后有几种强力经咒。此特殊闭眼佛牌能从八方招来财运及顶 开一切危险和煞气,也适用于家宅风水。佛历2552(2009)年开光。有两粒,每粒60元

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Rian LP Thep Lok Udon 峦普帖神僧

Rian LP Thep Lok Udon (Black copper material) from LP Boon of Wat Thung Hiang, Chonburi. With LP Thep heart katha behind. LP Thep is the legendary and mysterious Arahant mentioned by AJ Tia and also LP Jaran. He has lived for more than 900 yrs in the caves and forests of Thailand. Only a selected few with strong affinity to LP Thep can find him. Great for protection, prosperity and guidance in meditation. Consecrated in 2554 (2011). 2 pieces available. $20 each. SOLD OUT. Thks for support!
峦普帖神僧(黑铜制)- 出自峦珀文,通响寺,春武里府。背后有峦普帖心咒。传说中的峦普帖乃是阿赞爹和峦珀扎兰所提过不可思议的阿 罗汉神僧。神僧已在泰国的山洞和森林里活了超过900年。只有少数与神僧有缘的人才能找得到他。能赐予兴旺 ,保护及禅修中的教导。佛历2554(2011)年开光。有两粒,每粒20元

Rian Thep Sunsiwani 智慧女神

Rian Thep Sunsiwani (Black copper material) from LP Boon of Wat Thung Hiang, Chonburi. With Sunsiwani heart katha behind. I asked LP for the popular Takrut Panya for intellect and studies, but LP said he did not make them anymore. He recommended these Rians as the alternative, since the function is the same. Great for improving wisdom, intellect, help in studies. Most suitable for students. Consecrated in 2554 (2011). 4 pieces available. $20 each. SOLD OUT. Thks for support!
智慧女神(黑铜制)- 出自峦珀文,通响寺,春武里府。背后有智慧女神心咒。我问师父还有没有那受欢迎的智慧符管,但 他说没做了。 师父建议我请这些铜牌为替代品,因为它们的功能相同。能增强智慧,思考能力,帮助学业;所以最适合学生。佛 历2554(2011)年开光。有四粒,每粒20元

Sunday, February 26, 2012

LP Tuad 4" bucha 峦普托4寸金身

LP Tuad 4" bucha (Yellow copper material) 2524 batch from Wat Changhai, Pattani. With old LP Tuad Rian embedded below. This special batch is the most famous batch of LP Tuad after AJ Tim's passing. A lot of old Wan powder left from 2497 were used to make this batch, and many great guru monks of the South, including AJ Nong and LP Daeng, came to help in the consecration. Excellent for prosperity and protection from all danger. Mass chanted in 2524 (1981). $680. SOLD. Thks for support!
峦普托4寸金身 (黄铜制)2524批 - 出自常海寺,北大年府。底下有塞峦普托老铜牌。此批乃阿赞亭圆寂之后最有名的峦普托。 它用了很多2497剩下来的药草粉,而且有多位泰南高僧来为它开光,包括阿赞浓及峦珀登。能赐予兴旺及在一 切危险之中得到峦普的庇护。佛历2524(1981)年大念经。680元

Phra LP Tuad Pim Jumbo 珍宝模峦普托

Phra LP Tuad Pim Jumbo (Wan material) Kamakan batch by AJ Nong of Wat Saikow, Pattani. This committee batch has 9 small takruts inserted below. It is hard to find on the market nowadays. Comes with stainless steel casing. Excellent for prosperity and protection from all danger. Consecrated in 2537 (1994). $250. SOLD. Thks for support!
珍宝模峦普托 (草药粉制)委员批 - 出自阿赞浓,塞考寺,北大年府。此委员批底下都塞有9支小符管,在市场上已经很难找到。 已装入不锈钢壳中。能赐予兴旺及在一切危险之中得到峦普的庇护。佛历2537(1994)年开光。250元

Phra Trimurati-Rahu 三面神-罗睺

Phra Trimurati-Rahu (Holy powder material) Mahathep Mahalap batch by Phra Kru Sirirat of Wat Kaew Chamfah, Bangkok. 15 other guru monks also joined him to bless this batch of amulets. With 3 emeralds and 2 takruts embedded in front. Great for Metta, love, wealth, career, luck and protection. Mass chanted in 2554 (2011) by the 16 guru monks. 2 pieces available. $25 each.
三面神-罗睺 (圣粉制)大神大财批 - 出自峦珀西里腊,轿赞伐寺,曼谷。另外有15位大师加入此次开光仪式。 前面有3粒绿宝石及2支小符管。 能增强人缘,爱情,财运,事业及保护。 佛历2554(2011)年由16位师父大念经。有两粒,每粒25元

Phra Prom-Wessuwan-Rahu 梵天- 多闻天-罗睺

Phra Prom-Wessuwan-Rahu (Holy powder material) Mahathep Mahalap batch by Phra Kru Sirirat of Wat Kaew Chamfah, Bangkok. 15 other guru monks also joined him to bless this batch of amulets. With 3 emeralds and 2 takruts embedded in front. Great for Metta, authority, wealth, career, luck and protection. Mass chanted in 2554 (2011) by the 16 guru monks. 2 pieces available. $25 each.
梵天-多闻天-罗睺 (圣粉制)大神大财批 - 出自峦珀西里腊,轿赞伐寺,曼谷。另外有15位大师加入此次开光仪式。 前面有3粒绿宝石及2支小符管。 能增强人缘,威德,财运,事业及保护。 佛历2554(2011)年由16位师父大念经。有两粒,每粒25元

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Rian Phra Prom 梵天神

Rian Phra Prom (Alpaka and Red copper material) by LP Jon of Wat Boonyarit, Nakhon Rachasima. With LP's hand-drawn Yants and Akaras on the front and back. LP Jon is from the Wat Saket Phra Prom lineage. Great for Metta, authority, wealth, career, luck and protection. Consecrated in 2554 (2011). 2 pieces available. $35, $30. SOLD OUT. Thks for support!
梵天神 (镍、红铜制)- 出自峦珀宗,文雅力寺,呵叻府。前后都有师父手画符字及符印。 师父受的是沙界寺梵天秘法之传承。能增强人缘,威德,财运,事业及保护。 佛历2554(2011)年开光。有两粒,35元、30元

Phaya Dao Reun Locket 招财神龟

Phaya Dao Reun Locket (Red copper material) by LP Boongert of Wat Khao Din, Chainat. With LP's locket on top, holy powder, relics, takrut, Saisin and his Jiworn cloth embedded below. LP Boongert is the disciple of LP Opasi, the master of Fire Jhana. Excellent for wealth attraction, boosting luck and deflection of all danger. Consecrated in 2554 (2011). 2 pieces available. $40 each. SOLD OUT. Thks for support!
招财神龟 (红铜制)- 出自峦珀格特,考顶寺,猜納府。上面有师父纪念相,底下有塞圣粉、舍利、符管、经线及袈裟布。 师父乃是火禅圣僧峦珀欧巴席之高徒。善能招财,起运及顶开一切危险。 佛历2554(2011)年开光。有两粒,每粒40元

Phaya Dao Reun Katha:

Namo Tassa (3x)
Phra Maha Kassapo
Na Mo Put Ta Ya
U Ah Ka Sa
Na Cha Li Ti
I Sa Wa Su
Su Sa Wa I
Atitthan Kor Thamjai Pra Rattana
Jong Samret Took Pragan Theun.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Phra Kring Arahang Set of 3 阿拉航铃佛配套

Phra Kring Arahang Set of 3 (Samrit material) First batch by LP Boongert of Wat Khao Din, Chainat. With serial no and codes stamped below. One of the pieces has holy powder, lek lai and LP's hairs stuffed below. LP Boongert is the disciple of LP Opasi, the master of Fire Jhana. Excellent for improving health, boosting luck and protection from all danger. Consecrated in 2555 (2012). $100.
阿拉航铃佛配套 (三合铜制)第一批 - 出自峦珀格特,考顶寺,猜納府。底下有篇号及印记。其中一粒底下塞圣粉,流铁及师父毛发。 师父乃是火禅圣僧峦珀欧巴席之高徒。能改善健康,起运及避开一切危险。 佛历2555(2012)年开光。100元

Phra Buddha Narimit Chok II 转运佛

Phra Buddha Narimit Chok II (Holy powder material) Narimit Chok batch by LP Jaran of Wat Ampawan, Singburi. With lacquered front and Phaya Nak at the back. This famous amulet from LP depicts Lord Buddha turning the Wheel of Dhamma in the Deer Park, signifying the turning of ignorance into wisdom. Great for changing bad luck into good, Metta and protection from all danger. Consecrated in 2554 (2011). Comes in 3 colours, 3 pieces available. $30 each. SOLD OUT. Thks for support!
转运佛 (圣粉制)转运佛批 - 出自峦珀扎兰,安巴弯寺,信武里府。前面打腊,后面有龙王图。此牌有佛祖在鹿野苑转法轮之相,象征转无明为智慧。故能转坏运为好运,增强人缘与远离一切危险。 佛历2554(2011)年开光。有三粒,三种颜色,每粒30元

Phra Kring Narimit Chok 转运铃佛

Phra Kring Narimit Chok (Thongtip and Nawa material) Narimit Chok batch by LP Jaran of Wat Ampawan, Singburi. With serial no and code stamped below. The Nawa piece in the middle looks like silver due to its high silver content. Excellent for changing bad luck into good, Metta and protection from all danger. Consecrated in 2554 (2011). 3 pieces available. $60, $120. SOLD OUT. Thks for support!
转运铃佛 (黄铜、九宝铜制)转运佛批 - 出自峦珀扎兰,安巴弯寺,信武里府。底下有篇号及印记。中间九宝铜那粒银的成份很高,所以显银色。 能转坏运为好运,增强人缘与远离一切危险。 佛历2554(2011)年开光。有三粒,60元、120元

Thursday, February 23, 2012

LP Derm 3" bucha 峦普等3寸金身

LP Derm 3" bucha (Bronze material) by LP Noi of Wat Nong Pho, Nakhon Sawan. With copper Yant plate embedded below. LP Derm, the No 1 guru of Mitmor and Singharaj, is one of the most important teachers of LP Jaran. Great for guidance, prosperity and protection. Consecrated in 2532 (1989). $100. SOLD. Thks for support!
峦普等3寸金身 (铜制)- 出自峦珀乃,农浦寺,那空沙旺府。底下有铜符片。峦普等是法刀与狮王第一高僧,也是吾师峦珀扎兰最重要的老师之一。能赐予教导,兴旺与保护。 佛历2532(1989)年开光。100元

Roop Lor LP Jaran II 峦珀扎兰小像

Roop Lor LP Jaran II (Black & Red copper material) 84th birthday batch by LP Jaran of Wat Ampawan, Singburi. With serial no stamped below and kring inside. Great for Metta, prosperity and protection. Consecrated in 2554 (2011). 2 pieces available. $35 each. SOLD OUT. Thks for support!
峦珀扎兰小像 II (黑、红铜制)八十四寿辰批 - 出自峦珀扎兰,安巴弯寺,信武里府。底下有篇号,内里有符珠。能增强人缘,兴旺与保护。 佛历2554(2011)年开光。有两粒,每粒35元