Sunday, September 23, 2012

Phra Khun Paen Prai Kuman 坤平派古曼

Phra Khun Paen Prai Kuman (PKM powder material) First batch from LP Hoon of Wat Bang Peung, Chachengsao. With 3 small silver takruts embedded behind. LP Hoon is a 95 yrs old guru monk who is making amulets for the first time. Excellent for Metta Saneh, Metta Mahaniyom, wealth attraction and protection from all danger. Consecrated in 2555 (2012). 3 pieces available. $30 each.
坤平派古曼(派古曼粉制)第一批 - 出自峦普魂,邦朋寺,北柳府。后面塞有三支小银符管。峦普魂是一位95岁的老师父,而这是他第一次出佛牌。能增强异性缘、大众缘、招财及避开一切危险。佛历2555(2012)年开光。有三粒,每粒30元

Katha Khun Paen:
Namo Tassa (3x)
Gumaro Mah Mak Mak
Ehi Jittang Piyang Mak Mak
Om Fah Fern Jaren Si
Si Goo Ngam Meun Khun Paen
Kaen Goo Ngam Meun Kaen Phra Narai
Gai Goo Ngam Meun Gai Phra Prom
Khon Goo Ngam Meun Khon Nok Ga Nam
Na Ram Rai Rak Krai Hen Nah
Mo Laluay Chuay Pamah
Put Tha Maha
Tha Rong Tak
Ya Kwak Meua
Nakaro Hoti Jong Mah Bang Gert Pen Nak Metta
Seu Ngai Kai Dee Mee Gam Rai
Seu Ngai Kai Klong Mee Ngern Mee Thong
Leua Kin Leua Chai.

Takrut Faet Koo Chiwit 双命符管

Takrut Faet Koo Chiwit (Copper foil material, length 5") First batch from LP Hoon of Wat Bang Peung, Chachengsao. This special takrut is actually 2 takruts bound together with black lacquered thread. The first takrut is drawn the Yant Koo Chiwit and the second one Yant Pichit Man Tan Satru. LP Hoon is a 95 yrs old guru monk who is making amulets for the first time. Excellent for invulnerablity, courage, overcome obstacles, success, subduing enemies, evil spirits and protection from all danger. Consecrated in 2555 (2012). 2 pieces available. $60 each. SOLD OUT. Thks for support!
双命符管(铜片制,长5寸)第一批 - 出自峦普魂,邦朋寺,北柳府。这特别的符管其实是两支符管用上了黑漆的线缠绑在一起。一支画双命符印,另外一支画降魔克敌符印。峦普魂是一位95岁的老师父,而这是他第一次出佛牌。能给予刀枪不入的保护、勇猛、克服障碍、成功、降服敌人、邪灵及远离一切危险。佛历2555(2012)年开光。有两支,每支60元

Katha Takrut Faet Koo Chiwit:

Namo Tassa (3x)
1) Before wearing:
Nak Mak Nak Ah Nor Gor Nak Gak
Gor Or Nor Ah Nak Ah Gak Ang
U Mi Ah Mi Ma Hi Su Tang
Su Nak Put Tang Ah Su Nak Ah.
2) About to wear:
Satta Tewa Manussanang.
3) Immediately after wearing:
Imang Gaya Pantanang Atit Thami.
4) When taking out:
Putto Phakawati.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

LP Toh Bang Pi 1.5" bucha 峦珀哆邦披1.5寸金身

LP Toh Bang Pi 1.5" bucha (Copper material) Maha Mongkon batch from Wat Bang Pi Yai of Samut Prakan. This small bucha is coated with gold foil, with removable plastic case. LP Toh Bang Pi is one of the five mystical Buddha statues that floated down the Chao Phraya river long ago. Excellent for all around Metta, wish-fufillment, good luck and protection from all danger. Mass chanted in 2555 (2012). $60.
峦珀哆邦披1.5寸金身(铜制)大吉祥批 - 出自大邦披寺,北揽府。小金身已贴了金箔,塑胶壳可以拿出来。峦珀哆邦披是很久以前从湄南河漂流下来的五尊神奇佛像之一。能赐予全面人缘、满愿、好运及在一切危险中得到保护。佛历2555(2012) 年大念经。60元

Phra Kring LP Toh 峦珀哆铃佛

Phra Kring LP Toh (Thong Tip material) Maha Mongkon batch from Wat Bang Pi Yai of Samut Prakan. With Kring inside, Yant Yod Mongkon and serial no inscribed below. LP Toh Bang Pi is one of the five mystical Buddha statues that floated down the Chao Phraya river long ago. Excellent for all around Metta, wish-fufillment, good health, good luck and protection from all danger. Mass chanted in 2555 (2012). 2 pieces available. $40 each.
峦珀哆铃佛(黄铜制)大吉祥批 - 出自大邦披寺,北揽府。里面有铃,底下刻有吉祥顶符印和篇号。峦珀哆邦披是很久以前从湄南河漂流下来的五尊神奇佛像之一。能赐予全面人缘、满愿、健康、好运及在一切危险中得到保护。佛历2555(2012)年大念经。有两粒,每粒40元

Friday, September 21, 2012

Phra Lersi Pratanpon-Salika II 仙师赐福-妙音鸟

Phra Lersi Pratanpon-Salika II (108 Wan material) from AC Mahatana of Samut Prakan. 108 types of Wan were used to make this batch, as well as tiles from 7 temples. Behind is the Salika bird. It is said this Lersi appeared in AC's dream and inspired him to create these amulets. Excellent for Wealth attraction, boosting luck, business sales, eloquence, protection from black magic and evil spirits. Consecrated in 2554 (2011). 4 pieces available. $50 each. SOLD OUT. Thks for support!
仙师赐福-妙音鸟(108药草粉制)- 出自阿赞摩诃檀,北揽府。此牌用108种药草粉制成,又加了7座寺庙的瓦片。后面是妙音鸟图。据阿赞说他是在梦中得到此仙人的启发才制造这批牌的。能有效招财、起运、帮助买卖、增强口才及避开一切降头和鬼怪的骚扰。佛历2554(2011)年开光。有四粒,每粒50元

Lersi Pratanpon-Salika Katha:

Om Namo Namachak Sayak Muni Namak Buchaya
Mahalapha Mahasaneha Phawantume,
Putto Seliko Putto Salika Piyamit Putto Metta Jit Putto (3x).

Takrut Salika Hong Tong and Pon Yer 鸿通碰耶妙音鸟符管

Takrut Salika Hong Tong and Pon Yer (Silver foil material, length 2.5") from AC Mahatana of Samut Prakan. Comes with steel casing. This pair of Salika takruts from AC are his most popular takruts. Excellent for Metta Mahaniyom, powerful persuasion, influence, good business sales, good luck and protection. Consecrated in 2555 (2012). 2 pairs available. $130 each. SOLD OUT. Thks for support!
鸿通碰耶妙音鸟符管(银片制,长2.5寸)- 出自阿赞摩诃檀,北揽府。已装入钢壳。这对妙音鸟符管是阿赞最受欢迎的符管。能增强大众缘、给予超强的说服力、影响力、带来好生意、好运及保护。佛历2555( 2012)年开光。有两对,每对130元

Salika Katha:

Putto Seliko Putto Salika Piyamit Putto Metta Jit Putto (7x).

Red and Yellow Takrut 7 Maha Put 红黄七天神符管

Red and Yellow Takrut 7 Maha Put (Silver foil material, length 2.5") from AC Mahatana of Samut Prakan. Comes with steel casing. This pair of 7 Deva takruts from AC are one of his best sellers. Excellent for Metta Saneh, wealth attraction, good luck, boost career, business and protection. Consecrated in 2555 (2012). 2 pairs available. $100 each. SOLD OUT. Thks for support!
红黄七天神符管(银片制,长2.5寸)- 出自阿赞摩诃檀,北揽府。已装入钢壳。这对七天神符管是阿赞最热门的符管之一。能增强异性缘、招正偏财、带来好运、提升事业、生意及给予保护。佛历2555( 2012)年开光。有两对,每对100元

Takrut 7 Maha Put Katha:

Red: Ko Ro Wa Yi (7x)
Yellow: Ah Na Wa Cha (7x)

Thursday, September 20, 2012

4 Hu 5 Tah Pim Jumbo 珍宝模四耳五眼

4 Hu 5 Tah Pim Jumbo (Holy powder material) from LP Purachet of Wat Suwannaki, Suphanburi. With bone fragments, takrut and cemetery soil embedded behind. LP Purachet is featured as the new "Ghost King" of Suphanburi, specializing in the Wicha of mastery over spirits. Excellent for main and side wealth attraction. Most suitable for Fengshui application. Consecrated in 2555 (2011). Last piece in temple. $60.
珍宝模四耳五眼(圣粉制)- 出自峦珀普拉切,素弯那其寺,素攀府。后面塞有碎骨、符管和坟土。师父是素攀府的新一代“鬼王”,精通号令鬼神的控灵术。能招正财和偏财,适和风水运用。佛历2555(2012)年开光。庙里最后一粒,60元

Sihuhata Katha:

Na Sang Sit Mo
Ehi Sihuhata
Ekaj Chaya
Ekaj Chayi (3x).

Offer with charcoal.

Yak 3 Tah Pim Jumbo 珍宝模三眼夜叉

Yak 3 Tah Pim Jumbo (Holy powder material) from LP Purachet of Wat Suwannaki, Suphanburi. 3 colours available, with bone fragments, 2 takruts and cemetery soil embedded behind. LP Purachet is featured as the new "Ghost King" of Suphanburi, specializing in the Wicha of mastery over spirits. Excellent for side wealth attraction and driving away black magic, evil spirits and other negative energy. Most suitable for Fengshui application. Consecrated in 2555 (2011). 3 pieces available, $60 each.
珍宝模三眼夜叉(圣粉制)- 出自峦珀普拉切,素弯那其寺,素攀府。有三种颜色,后面下塞有碎骨、2支符管和坟土。师父是素攀府的新一代“鬼王”,精通号令鬼神的控灵术。能招偏财及驱除降头邪灵及其他煞气,适和风水运用。佛历2555(2012)年开光。有三粒,每粒60元

Yak 3 Tah Katha:

Wesak Pupak Susi Sulang Arahang Sukato Arahang Putta Sangmi (7x).

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Phra Khun Paen Prai Kuman II 坤平派古曼

Phra Khun Paen Prai Kuman II (Holy powder material) That Mongkon batch from LP Purachet of Wat Suwannaki, Suphanburi. Already encased with magic oil inside. Also with bone fragment and 2 takruts embedded behind. LP Purachet is featured as the new "Ghost King" of Suphanburi, specializing in the Wicha of mastery over spirits. Excellent sex appeal, love attraction and protection from all danger. Consecrated in 2554 (2011). 2 pieces available, $60 each.
坤平派古曼(圣粉制)吉祥元素批 - 出自峦珀普拉切,素弯那其寺,素攀府。已包塑胶壳,内有神油。后面塞有碎骨及两支小符管。师父是素攀府的新一代“鬼王”,精通号令鬼神的控灵术。能增强性魅力,帮助爱情及避开一切危险。佛历2554(2011)年开光。有两粒,每粒60元

KP Katha:

Namo Tassa (3x)
Su Na Mo Lo
Na Mo Lo Su
Mo Lo Su Na
Lo Su Na Mo (7x).

Prai Kasip bucha 供奉型财鬼骷髅

Prai Kasip bucha (Holy powder material) from LP Purachet of Wat Suwannaki, Suphanburi. Yellow and black skull available, with different Yants drawn on them. There is bone fragment, takrut and cemetery soil stuffed below. LP Purachet is featured as the new "Ghost King" of Suphanburi, specializing in the Wicha of mastery over spirits. Excellent as a spirit servant that tells you where to find money as well as warn you of danger. Consecrated in 2555 (2011). 2 pieces available, $100 each. SOLD OUT. Thks for support!
供奉型财鬼骷髅(圣粉制)- 出自峦珀普拉切,素弯那其寺,素攀府。有黄色和黑色骷髅头,上面画了不同的符印。底下塞有碎骨、符管和坟土。师父是素攀府的新一代“鬼王”,精通号令鬼神的控灵术。能做为一个灵体侍者,告诉你那里可以找到钱或是预先知道那里有危险。佛历2555(2012)年开光。有两粒,每粒100元

Prai Kasip Katha:

Wesak Pupak Susi Sulang Arahang Sukato Arahang Putta Sangmi (7x).

Before bringing into your house burn 9 joss sticks and tell your house deities that you are inviting this spirit in. After bringing in, offer with water, rice wine and rice.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Phra Lersi Trai Lok 三世仙人

Phra Lersi Trai Lok (Holy powder material) Mongkon Jakkawan batch from LP Chitisan of Wat Khao Krai Lak, Suphanburi. With gold paint decoration in front. LP Chitisan is a meditation monk who learned from various famous gurus as well as Lersi Trai Lok. Lersi Trai Lok is said to be the Bodhisatta Lersi living in Khao Krai Lak cave, but only appears to LP during Samathi to teach him. Excellent for good luck, guidance, prosperity, protection from black magic, evil spirits and other danger. Consecrated in 2555 (2012). 2 pieces available, $20 each. SOLD OUT. Thks for support!
三世仙人(圣粉制)吉祥轮批 - 出自峦珀奇地散,考凯腊寺,素攀府。前面有金漆装饰。师父是修习禅定之法师,跟随过几位有名的大师以及三世仙人学法。据说这是一位居住在考凯腊山洞里的菩萨仙人。一般凡人见不到他,只有师父在禅定中才能接受他的指导。能带来好运、给予指导、兴旺、防御降头邪灵及其他危险。佛历2555(2012)年开光。有两粒,每粒20元

Takrut Maha Laluay 大痴迷符管

Takrut Maha Laluay (Lead foil material, length 1.5") Mongkon Jakkawan batch from LP Chitisan of Wat Khao Krai Lak, Suphanburi. This takrut is bound with white thread and both ends are stuffed with the holy soil from the cave where LP does meditation. LP Chitisan is a meditation monk who learned from various famous gurus as well as Lersi Trai Lok. This takrut is excellent for powerful charm, Metta Mahaniyom, great influence and evading all danger. Consecrated in 2555 (2012). 2 pieces available, $50 each. SOLD OUT. Thks for support!
大痴迷符管(铅片制,长1.5寸)吉祥轮批 - 出自峦珀奇地散,考凯腊寺,素攀府。符管用白线包裹,两头塞了从师父坐禅的山洞里取到的圣土。师父是修习禅定之法师,跟随过几位有名的大师以及三世仙人学法。此符管能给予强大的魅力、大众缘、影响力及避开一切危险。佛历2555(2012)年开光。有两支,每支50元

Takrut Mongkon Jakkawan 吉祥轮符管

Takrut Mongkon Jakkawan (Silver foil material, length 5") Mongkon Jakkawan batch from LP Chitisan of Wat Khao Krai Lak, Suphanburi. Comes with steel casing. As we can see from the above sample, inside the takrut is drawn the 10 Akaras representing the 10 lives where the Bodhisatta perfected the 10 Baramis. LP Chitisan is a meditation monk who learned from various famous gurus as well as Lersi Trai Lok. This all rounder takrut is excellent for boosting luck, attracting wealth, never going hungry, great Metta, power and protection from all danger. Consecrated in 2555 (2012). 2 pieces available, $120 each. SOLD OUT. Thks for support!
吉祥轮符管(银片制,长5寸)吉祥轮批 - 出自峦珀奇地散,考凯腊寺,素攀府。已装入钢壳。从上面的样本可以看到符管里面画的10个符字是代表着菩萨修得10度圆满的10世化身。师父是修习禅定之法师,跟随过几位有名的大师以及三世仙人学法。此全面性符管能增强好运、招财、永不会挨饿、给予大慈爱、威德及使一切危险不能近身。佛历2555(2012)年开光。 有两支,每支120元

Monday, September 17, 2012

Soi Takrut Sangwan Phra In 帝释天符管链

Soi Takrut Sangwan Phra In (Blackwood and copper material) Mongkon Jakkawan batch from LP Chitisan of Wat Khao Krai Lak, Suphanburi. This "breast chain of Indra" consist of blackwood beads, 5 hand drawn takruts and 1 conch shell in the middle. LP Chitisan is a meditation monk who learned from various famous gurus as well as Lersi Trai Lok. Excellent for Metta Mahaniyom, changing bad luck into good, great power, influence, success and protection from all danger. Consecrated in 2555 (2012). $200. SOLD. Thks for support!
帝释天符管链(黑木与铜制)吉祥轮批 - 出自峦珀奇地散,考凯腊寺,素攀府。此神链有黑木珠、5支手画符管及法螺在中间。师父是修习禅定之法师,跟随过几位有名的大师以及三世仙人学法。能增强大众缘,转坏运为好运、给予大威德、影响力、成功及在一切危险中得到保护。佛历2555(2012)年开光。200元

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Chaokun Nor 5" bucha 昭坤诺5寸金身

Chaokun Nor 5" bucha (Bronze material) from Chaokun Nor of Wat Thep Sirin, Bangkok. With holy soil stuffed below. This is one of those rare buchas with a guru monk on a lotus pedestal (other than LP Tuad), recognising CK Nor as a Bodhisatta. Excellent for prosperity, guidance and protection. Consecrated in 2513 (1970). $330. SOLD. Thks for support!
昭坤诺5寸金身(铜制)- 出自昭坤诺,帖席灵寺,曼谷。底下塞有圣土。这是一尊难见的金身,因为很少有师父在莲花座上的形象(除了峦普托);那意味着昭坤诺被已尊崇为菩萨了。能赐予兴旺、指导及保佑。佛历2513(1970) 年开光。330元